Posted in: Comics, Review | Tagged: cyclops, marvel, schism, wolverine, x-men
The Magic Hand Of Cyclops In X-Men Schism #5 (UPDATE)
Before X-Men Schism #4 had shipped, we'd already seen the beginning of X-Men Schism #5 in previews, and the knock down fight between Wolverine and Cyclops as they were being attacked by a Sentinel. And of Wolverine popping his claws through Cyclops' right hand as he tries to get at the button signal Wolverine is holding.
That's his right hand getting skewered yes?
Right hand. Definitely. Good.
Then how come a few pages later we see Cyclops running around, ripping his visor off and holding it with his perforated right hand? Damn, Cyclops that's brave, that's manly, that's… impossible.
And later in the comic, we see Cyclops all bandaged up with bandages on his… left hand? And using his right to pose with?
Damn, Cyclops, you're one hard motherfucker.
UPDATE: Artist Adam Kubert writes in;
"well I've been caught.. In the heat of a deadline and everything else that goes on in life… if this is the worst mistake I've made then I consider myself really lucky :)
If you need an explanation… I had to flop that particular panel… after drawing it out I realized that the characters were on the wrong side of the room then they had been previously. In flopping I'd forgotten to fix the bandages. As to the miraculous healing abilities of Cyclops… all I have to say is that it's a #$!!%^$ comic… :)
Hey Rich… love your site btw.."
And we love you too Adam!
Comics provided by Orbital Comics of London. Do check out their podcasts.