Posted in: Comics | Tagged: deadpool, philosophy, Titan comics
Titan Comics to Publish the Philosophy Of Deadpool…
Towards the end of the month, Titan Comics are publishing The Philosophy Of Deadpool. What they call a unique take on Marvel's katana-wielding, gun-toting, insult-firing anti-hero. This book presents the most outrageous moments from Deadpool's comic book history in a definitive guide to his wisdom, insights and guiding moral principles. Have you ever been in a tricky situation and asked yourself "what would Deadpool do?" This book provides the answer. And unicorns. Lots of unicorns.
Expect to see a lot of this kind of thing in the days ahead.
Uncover the wiles and insights of the Merc with a Mouth in this lavishly presented collection of Deadpool's best, worst and frankly outrageous moments from his comic book history.
Deadpool: a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a frankfurter skin suit. Even he doesn't know what the *?@$ is going on in his brain! In this little guide to everyone's favorite mercenary, discover what makes the katana-wielding, gun-toting, insult-firing anti-hero tick, or maybe more accurately in his case, tock.
With a collection of the greatest comic book covers, scenes we love to remember (or forget, depending on your disposition), and the musings of our morally confused comrade, there's sure to be some wisdom gained from the ravings of a psychotic killer who cracks wise more than a comedian on Prozac.