Posted in: Comics, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dave mckean, dc, indiegogo, sandman, we can be heroes
Tuesday Runaround – The Songs Of Dave McKean
The annual London comic art festival Comica begins today with a preview of Nine Lives, Dave McKean's new project, include music played and songs sung by McKean. It's all at Foyles Bookshop from 6.30pm tonight.
A new way for storing and sending comic books through the mail, goes on Kickstarter.
DC Comics has just passed the half a million mark for their Indiegogo fundraiser We Can Be Heroes this year.
Batman: $152, 981
Superman: $132, 493
Justice League Indiegogo: $217, 932
Total: $503, 406
This doesn't include their SDCC eBay auction which must have raised at least another $100K.
Although, it seems that Geoff Johns and Jim Lee will be barbequing alone…
Stephen Collins draws a more middle class Walking Dead.
Bryan Hitch teases a new comic for Image Comics, entitled Real Heroes.
Hannah Means Shannon speaks of a life steeped in late Sandman.
Aware that I had started reading Sandman at the end, I proceeded to read the trades in reverse order, maybe as a kind of exacting penance for my tardiness, but at halfway through them, I switched to the beginning and ended up "finishing" the reading project at the mid-point of the series. Then it all came together and I sat back and considered the monumental series as a whole. Then I bought every single issue in order and put them in a longbox. Then I bought the first-edition trades. Then I wrote several scholarly articles on Neil Gaiman's work. Then I pitched a book on Neil Gaiman's early career to Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, a pitch that was accepted. Then, I figured there was something else more immediate I ought to do about comics given that they had transformed my life, so I became a comics journalist.
According to the Times Of India, Indians are leaving high paying jobs to work on comic books….
Increasingly, many professionals are casting aside high-paying careers and to find their calling in art panels and blurb balloons. Vivek Goel, for instance, decided that a career in the merchant navy — with its dollar salary and promise of travel — was no match for the excitement of seeing characters come alive on the drawing board. He kicked off his comic-book outfit Holy Cow Comics with a graphic novel on Ravan titled Ravanayan. The response — almost 1,000 copies were sold on the first day of the Comic Con in Delhi — convinced him he was on the right track. "I was amazed to see that there were so many people passionate about comics," he says.
Unlike other professions, a multi-faceted background helps in this line. Rajani Thindiath, who majored in psychology and meandered into comic book writing after stints in journalism, copywriting and animation , says that her multi-industry exposure has come handy in her stint as editor of Tinkle, a monthly comic magazine for children.
From Jamie S. Rich and George Kambadais, a new series for Miranda Turner from Monkeybrain, The Double Life Of Miranda Turner, begins.
Miranda Turner never knew that her sister, international supermodel Lindy Turner, was also the superpowered crime fighter known as the Cat. At least not until Lindy appeared in Miranda's bedroom as a ghost, looking for help to find her own murderer. Now Miranda has taken over her sister's secret identity and patrols the streets as a masked do-gooder. She'd better watch out, though. Being the Cat comes with lots of excess baggage, including superhero rivals, archenemies, and whatever secret motives Lindy's killer had to take her life. If Lindy's spirit can keep her baby sister on track, this new Cat just might survive long enough to solve the mystery and make the moniker her own.
A preview of Origin II…