Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 4001 ad, bleeding cool, comic shop, Comics, conkickoff2016, entertainment, instore, instore convention kick off, instorekicksoff, valiant
Valiant Talks 4001AD – And Britannia Being In Their Free Comic Book Day Comic #InStoreKickOff #ConKickOff2016
Hunter and Josh were up from Valiant Entertainment to talk at the InStore Convention KickOff.
Promoting Valiant's upcoming 4001 AD event with all the lovely art below, including an all new Bloodshot with the surviving nanites from Ray Garrison carrying out their final mission – and promising more than just a head.
And a brand new female character, currently classified, but a promise that she first appeared in Book Of Death.
Oh, and to look for the much teased Britannia in their Free Comic Book Day title… take a look at their art on display.
Follow the rest of our In Store Convention Kickoff coverage here.