Posted in: Comics | Tagged: angela, Comics, entertainment, marvel
When A Character Is Too Gross Even For The Writer
In Angela, Queen Of Hel, we have been introduced to Bor, the father of Odin. You know how certain elderly relatives sometimes have certain views that seem at odds with current societal mores? The ones who insist on working out who is and is not Jewish? Who have some definite opinions over the rights and wrongs of immigration and its effects on post office queues? Who seem to channel Glenn Beck when talking about everything from to the skin colour and legitimacy of the neighbours children?
Well, it seems a little like that with Bor in today's comments. But writer Marguerite Bennett doesn't have to go along with it, just because Bor has something to say about his kith and kin. We can get a tl;dr version instead…
Frankly I am impressed that Bor has stayed up to date with current geographical anti-semitic concerns, But heaven (or indeed, Valhalla) help him if was still around to watch scenes such as this.
Although over in All-New Inhumans, another solution is just to get in there first with the head bashing before the tongue has a chance to do it's worst…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Who, tonight, will see Simon Spurrier & Emma Price signing their new Image comic Cry Havoc from 5:30-7pm.