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Who Are The New Members Of The Justice Society Of America? (Spoilers)
The New Justice Society Of America comic book series launches from Geoff Johns and Michael Janin this week, Flashpoint Beyond, New Golden Age and Stargirl & The Lost Children has set up the reality for a series that has been a very long time coming. And may have even taken the existence of the movie Black Adam to get it off the board. But anyone coming to this comic from that movie will find something very different. In fact, we have something closer to Dan DiDio's junked DC Timeline play out across the comic book.
Previews have already established it as a series crossing the decades, narrated by Huntress, the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, and set after the death of Batman. , rather than being set in the past, it is a lot closer to the present day with the second or third or fourth generation of the Justice Society. With the new team that Power Girl recruited with the acquiescence of Doctor Fate playing the role in this world of the Justice League.
So we have a Justice Society made up of Doctor Fate, Huntress, Power Girl, The Gentleman Ghost, Solomon Grundy, The Harlequin's Son. Icicle, The Mist and Ruby. Who? Well, we have met them all in one way or another…
Some of those you know, some have been teased before, some are new. The Gentleman Ghost and Solomon Grundy, you know. Cameron Mahkent first appeared in 1987 in Infinity, Inc. #34 created by Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas, and Todd McFarlane as the son of the first Golden Age Icicle Joar Mahkent, created for All-American Comics #90 in 1947, created by
Robert Kanigher and Irwin Hasen.
Kyle Knight was previously seen as the young child of Jack Knight and Nash, the second Mist, who sexually assaulted Jack, who later took him into custody, and raises by Jack and Jack's wife Sadie alongside his younger half-sister in the Starman comic. That, until now, was the last we saw of him. And you may recall the Harlequin's Son from New Golden Age…
Full Name Michael Mayne
Occupation. Actor
Marital Status. Single
Known Relatives. Molly Mayne, a.k a the Harlequin (mother)
Group Affiliation. None
Base of Operations Los Angeles, CA
First Appearance: INFINITY, INC #1
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: BlondMichael Mayne is the son of Green Lantern Alan Scott's longtime nemesis Molly Mayne, a.k.a. the Harlequin. The identity of his father remains unknown. Michael grew up with his grandmother, seeing his mother only on occasion due to her life as Harlequin, which created a very strained relationship between the two. When Michael was in his twenties. After being assaulted, leaving a gay bar in Los Angeles, he took his mother's illusion-creating glasses, made his own masked costume, and hunted down the men who had put him in the hospital. During the violent confrontation, one of Michael's assailants pulled a gun and accidentally shot the other, killing him, and blamed it on the Harlequin's Son: Labeled a murderer and overwhelmed with guilt and anger, Michael turned to a life of crime, both in and out of costume, which put him in direct conflict with his mother. However, like Molly, Michael had an altruistic streak that surfaced when innocents were in trouble. Eventually, the Harlequin's Son was cleared of murder, thanks to his mother "s intervention. With his identity as the Harlequin's Son still a secret. Michael was able to pursue an acting career despite his history of arrests. Michael eventually landed several roles, including that of Carver Colman in his life story, Dusk Before Dawn. in which Michael received accolades for his portrayal of the famed Nathaniel Dusk film star, who was one of Hollywood's first openly gay actors and later an iconic activist. When the original Star-Spangled Kid, Sylvester Pemberton, formed Infinity, Inc., he approached Michael to join the team of JSA legacy heroes, but Michael told Sylvester hr was retired from his identity as the Harlequin's Son and declined the offer. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Michael appeared again as the Harlequin's Son protecting innocents in Los Angeles from the Anti-Monitors shadow demons. Most recently, he was spotted again during the Dark Crisis, going into action to help others in the world's darkest hour. Whether this return is brief or prolonged has yet to be determined. Michael's relationship with his mother remains complicated. Utilizing the Harlequin's illusion-creating tech in his mask, Michael can project illusions in the form of lifelike holographic images, most often duplicates of himself to distract his opponents. His acting skills also come into use when Michael creates what he calls "players" which are holograms that impersonate others. The Harlequin's Son is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, reluctantly trained by his mother.
And Ruby Sokov, daughter of the Red Lantern… looks like we have a "known relative" to add to this list.
Personal Data:
Full Name. Vladimir Sokov
Occupation: Soviet agent
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Moscow, Russia
First Appearance: GREEN LANTERN #1 (Vol. 1, 1941)
Height: 6'3'
Weight: 250 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Vladimir Sokov was born in Russia In the early 1900s. His father was a man of great importance in the military who was fiercely loyal to his country. That loyalty was inherited by Vladimir, who joined the Soviet Union's Red Army and became one of its most decorated soldiers. When the American hero, the Green Lantern, went public. the Soviets began their attempt to replicate his source of power Russia's infamous Red Labs were able to create a red lantern and ring that tapped into a fiery power they discovered called the Crimson Flame. Little is known of the origin of the Crimson Flame save that it appeared mystical in nature and acted similarly to Alan Scott's power. Taking the identity of the Red Lantern, Vladimir became Russia's first superhero, although he operated only when sanctioned by his superiors in the Red Army. As Red Lantern, Vladimir came into conflict with Alan Scott multiple times throughout the 1940s. The two became arch-enemies. Although Red Lantern assassinated whomever the Red army directed him to, he was triable to kill the Green Lantern. On one occasion, the two Lanterns teamed up to take on a group of Nazis who threatened both Americans and Russians… This partnership, however, was short-lived despite Alan's offer to continue it. Vladimir's life changed when his daughter was born in 1951. She had somehow inherited the power of the Crimson Flame, which left her with glowing red skin. Vladimir's daughter was taken against his will and put under study by Russia's Red Labs. Trying to retrieve his daughter. Red Lantern was seemingly killed by the Red Army, but not before he turned every scientist in Red Labs studying his daughter into ash. However, his body, red lantern, and ring have never been recovered, and the fate of his daughter is unknown.
Powers & Weapons:
The Red Lantern wields a power ring that is charged with mystical crimson energy he can command through his willpower. The ring enables him to fly, manifest a crimson fire, and create any object out of the energy he can imagine. The ring's power is limited by the strength of its wielder's willpower and it must be recharged periodically using the mystical lantern (from which the ring was made). The Red Lantern is a skilled and brutal hand-to-hand combatant. Even without the red ring. Vladimir is said to be the deadliest man in Russian history.
That's how it starts out of course. Doesn't necessarily mean it will end that way…
(W) Geoff Johns (A/CA) Mikel Janin
The JSA returns in this monthly series by writer Geoff Johns and artist Mikel Janin with Justice Society of America: The New Golden Age Part One! The world's first and greatest superheroes return! Or do they? A long-lost hero from the JSA crashes into our era with a grave warning… but it's too late. A mysterious and malevolent enemy has invaded the entire history of the JSA, and an all-new team must come together to defeat it. But what deadly secret does this messenger from beyond keep? Where are they from? And why is all of this happening now? Only the Time Masters know…
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/29/2022
(W) Geoff Johns (A) Mikel Janín (CA) Yanick Paquette
THE NEW GOLDEN AGE CONTINUES! Huntress has arrived in the present day, but the Justice Society of America are not what she remembers. Can she get to the bottom of what's happened to the world's first superhero team? Will the helmet of Fate hold the answers Huntress seeks?
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 12/27/2022
(W) Geoff Johns (A/CA) Mikel Janin
Huntress's journey to save the Justice Society of America lands her smack dab in the middle of the 1940s at the birth of the team! Can Huntress and the present-day JSA work together long enough to figure out how to stop the strike on the '40s team?!
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 1/24/2023
(W) Geoff Johns (A/CA) Mikel Janín
Helena's journey through time continues! Each new time period gives her one more piece of the puzzle, but is Degaton too far ahead in his quest to eradicate the JSA to be stopped? Is this truly the end of the Justice Society?