Posted in: Comics | Tagged: ebay, james tynion iv, joker war, razorblades, something is killing the children
Will James Tynion IV's Razorblades Go Over $100 on eBay? (UPDATE)
Right now, James Tynion IV is the hottest comic book writer when it comes to the comic book scene. He is the Peach Momoko of comic book writers, put it that way. His Batman run – originally planned as a fill-in before 5G – has beaten all internal DC Comics estimates in terms of sales, even factoring in the drop in orders from moving distributors. His Something Is Killing The Children comic book is burning through eBay and being touted as the new Walking Dead. And his new Razorblades horror comic book anthology, is selling out of its $20 a copy, 500 issue print run, fast. They had 500 copies half an hour ago, they are under 140 copies left and some folks are still waking up to it. James Tynion IV will have a $10,000 budget very quickly indeed.
Which, given the pattern of these things, Razorblades #1 will then arrive in people's homes and be put on eBay, possibly even before it arrives, and that's when everyone who missed out on this magical hour-and-a-half will start bidding it up. Given the attention Something Is Killing The Children and Joker War are getting right now, that feels like a three-figure sum pretty much off the bat.
But don't feel left out if you just want to read his new horror anthology with his bestest of friends in the tradition of Taboo, because he is also making it available as a digital comic purely on a pay-what-you-can model. That includes 'free' if you are a cheapskate.
I am checking in now… there are copies left. Man, that server must be taking a battering.
You can also read all about the comic book, what's in it, who's in it, and why James Tynion IV is taking the self-publishing route like Steve Bissette did, on his newsletter, which you should really subscribe to, even if just for the advance Batman artwork. And save me from cutting and pasting from it every week.
Run, don't walk.
UPDATE: And that is it, they are all gone. Were you lucky?