Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, japanese, marvel, Marvel Comics, spider-verse, Supaidaman, tv
Will We Get A Supaidaman Series from Marvel? It's In Your Hands.
How many Spider-Man comics would you like? There's Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Woman, Silk, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man and Web Warriors.
Room for another? As well as Spider-Girl?
Well, what about Supaidaman? The Japanese adaptation of the character into a TV series that ran in the late seventies. Divorced from any stab at Marvel continuity, it features a Japanese motocross driver as the character, fighting the Iron Cross Army and their giant monsters, thanks to his own giant robot Leopardon.
That's him. Appearing in this weeks Spider-Verse title, Amazing Spider-Man #12. And the fans went wild.
So how about his own series then? Marvel's Tom Brevoort, the man who makes such decisions, when asked if the character could get their own book as Spider-Gwen has, says "If there was the same sort of demand for it, you better believe it. I'd do a Supaidaman book in a red-hot minute."
There you go then. If you want more of this
Or indeed this,
Then maybe you should get in touch. Certainly the fuss has even reached Forbes… and episodes from the Japanese series are now airing on