Posted in: Electronic Arts, Games, Video Games | Tagged: bioware, Dragon Age 4
BioWare Studio Head & Dragon Age 4 EP Abruptly Quit Company
In a piece of news that's going to be talked about for a while, there's been a shakeup at BioWare with Dragon Age 4. BioWare's GM Casey Hudson and Dragon Age 4's Executive Producer Mark Darrah both announced on the same day that they have departed the company. The news came down from BioWare themselves in what is essentially a three-piece letter. The first being the formal announcement by Laura Miele, the Chief Studios Officer, followed by two different messages from Hudson and Darrah themselves. This isn't a long-goodbye either, as it appears both are out of the company affected this week. While the timing of it doesn't seem suspect for anything they're working on, the fact that both of them going at the same time is. Whether that leads to something down the road at a new location or they just had impeccable timing and both decided they were quitting at the exact same time, we'll find out somewhere down the road. But in the meantime, it's rather depressing.
As far as what happens at the company right now, according to both Hudson and Darrah, all of the projects they've been working on are still going forward. So it's not like they quit and now Dragon Age 4 is suddenly in shambles. But it does make you wonder where they are in development at the moment. Looking ahead at the company structure of BioWare, Christian Dailey, who is currently the studio head of BioWare Austin, will be taking over Dragon Age. As for Mass Effect, which the company confirmed is in the middle of having a giant remaster happen for the first trilogy of games, will be taken over by Mike Gamble. Gamble was a producer on Mass Effect: Andromeda and the lead producer of Anthem, so its in steady hands (depending on how you feel about those games).