Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: A Case of Distrust, Aegis Defenders, Aperion Cyberstorm, black hole, BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition, Bleed 2, Dandara, Disc Jam, Dragon Quest Builders, Dragon Sinker, dye, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, Heroine Anthem Zero, Kitty Powers' Love Life, Little Triangle, Marooners, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, Mercenary Kings Reloaded, Overdriven Reloaded: Special Edition, Pinstripe, Quantic Pinball, Remnants of Naezith, rust, Shadow of the Colossus, Starpoint Gemini Warlords, The Darkside Detective, The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st], video game releases
Check Out the Latest Video Game Releases for February 6-12
This week in video game releases has some hearty choices for you to check out, including a couple remastered and re-released titles. Check out the list of everything out this week below, choose your games wisely, and as always; have fun!
February 6th
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition (PS4)
Black Hole (Switch)
Dandara (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Dragon Sinker (PS4, Vita)
Marooners (PS4, XB1)
Mercenary Kings Reloaded (PC, PS4, Switch, Vita, XB1)
Remnants of Naezith (PC)
Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
February 7th
Bleed 2 (PS4)
Little Triangle (PC, XB1)
Pinstripe (XB1)
The Darkside Detective (Switch)
February 8th
A Case of Distrust (PC)
Aegis Defenders (PC, PS4, Switch)
Aperion Cyberstorm (Switch)
Disc Jam (Switch)
Heroine Anthem Zero: Episode 1 (PS4)
Kitty Powers' Love Life (PC)
Mercenaries Saga Chronicles (Switch)
Overdriven Reloaded: Special Edition (XB1)
Rust (PC)
February 9th
Bleed 2 (XB1)
Dragon Quest Builders (Switch)
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition (Android, iOS)
Quantic Pinball (XB1)
Starpoint Gemini Warlords (XB1)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia (PS4)
Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[ST] (PS4, Vita)