Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Agony, Along Together, Birdcakes, Black Hat Cooperative, Defoliation, Die for Valhalla!, Earth Atlantis, Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory, Far Cry 3 Classic Edition, Fox n Forests, Gekido Kintaro's Revenge, Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition, Icey, Ikaruga, Illusion: A Tale of the Mind, Johnny Turbo's Arcade Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja, Just Shapes & Beats, Kabounce, Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition, Legend of Kay Anniversary, Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition, Lost Sea, Metal Slug XX, Milanoir, Mining Rail, Moonlighter, Ninja Combat, No Heroes Here, Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast, Old Man's Journey, Overload, Owlboy, Personality and Psychology Premium, Pirate Pop Plus, Quad Fighter K, R.B.I. Baseball 18, sega genesis classics, Shift Quantum, Smoke And Sacrifice, street fighter 30th anniversary collection, Sudden Strike 4 - European Battlefields Edition, The Journey Down: Chapter One, The Perfect Sniper, To The Top, video game releases, West Of Loathing, Wraith, Yoku's Island Express, ZAMB! Redux
Check Out the Latest Video Game Releases for May 29-June 4, 2018
As we close out the month of May we have a large selection of video game releases to choose from that will give you a lot of retro gaming goodness as well as some modern day thrills. Check out the complete list we have for you below, choose your games wisely, and as always; have fun!
May 29th
Agony (PC, PS4, XB1)
Along Together [VR] (PS4)
Birdcakes (PC, PS4, XB1)
Black Hat Cooperative [VR] (PS4)
Die for Valhalla! (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory (Switch)
Far Cry 3 Classic Edition (PS4, XB1)
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition (PS4, Switch)
Ikaruga (Switch)
Kabounce (PS4)
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition (PS4, Switch, XB1)
Legend of Kay Anniversary (Switch)
Metal Slug XX (PS4)
Moonlighter (PC, PS4, XB1)
No Heroes Here (PS4)
Oh…Sir! The Hollywood Roast (PC, PS4, XB1)
Old Man's Journey (PC, PS4, XB1)
Owlboy (PS4, Switch)
R.B.I. Baseball 18 (Switch)
SEGA Genesis Classics (PC, PS4, XB1)
Shift Quantum (PC, PS4, Switch)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Sudden Strike 4 – European Battlefields Edition (XB1)
The Journey Down: Chapter One (PS4, XB1)
The Perfect Sniper [VR] (PS4)
To The Top [VR] (PS4)
Wraith [VR] (PS4)
Yoku's Island Express (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
May 30th
Fox n Forests (XB1)
ZAMB! Redux (XB1)
May 31st
Defoliation (Switch)
Gekido Kintaro's Revenge (PS4)
ICEY (Switch)
Johnny Turbo's Arcade Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja (Switch)
Just Shapes & Beats (PC, Switch)
Lost Sea (Switch)
Milanoir (PC, PS4, XB1)
Ninja Combat (Switch)
Overload (PC)
Personality and Psychology Premium (PS4)
Pirate Pop Plus (Switch)
Quad Fighter K (Switch)
Smoke And Sacrifice (Switch)
West of Loathing (Switch)
June 1st
Earth Atlantis (PS4, XB1)
Illusion: A Tale of the Mind (PS4)
Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition (XB1)
Mario Tennis Aces – Online Tournament Demo (Switch)
Mining Rail (XB1)
Oh…Sir! The Hollywood Roast (XB1)