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Dhelmise Debuts in Pokémon GO For Beloved Buddies Event

The Beloved Buddies event introduces the Alolan species Dhelmise to Pokémon GO. Where can it be found? Will it be Shiny? Let's find out.

Article Summary

  • Dhelmise debuts in Pokémon GO, exclusive to Three-Star Raids during the Beloved Buddies event.
  • Shiny Dhelmise isn't available yet, but many wild spawns can be Shiny, like Nidoran, Diglett, and Slowpoke.
  • Bonuses include 2× XP, special Lure Modules, and extra Stardust for select Pokémon catches.
  • Raids feature Incarnate Forme Enamorus, Mega Tyranitar, and more; some can be Shiny!

The Beloved Buddies event, launching soon in Pokémon GO, brings a new species to the game: Dhelmise. A Ghost/Grass-type species from the region of Alola, Dhelmise will only be found through one form of encounter… Three-Star Raids. Unusually, this event seems to have replaced the Valentine's Day event. We got some Valentine's Day features in the Small Yet Strong event, but it does indeed feel as if the once-annual Valentine's Day event has been erased from the game this year. Now, looking at Beloved Buddies, will Dhelmise be able to be found in its Shiny form? What other bonuses are coming to the game as part of the Beloved Buddies event? Let's get into the details.

Dhelmise in Pokémon GO. Credit: Niantic
Dhelmise in Pokémon GO. Credit: Niantic

Here's what's happening for the Beloved Buddies event in Pokémon GO:

  • Date and time: Tuesday, February 11, at 10:00 a.m. to Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time
  • New Pokémon: Dhelmise debuts in the game. It will be exclusive to Three-Star Raids. Upon its debut, it will not be available in its Shiny form.
  • Wild Spawns: Nidoran (both male and female forms), Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Remoraid, Mantine, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Cutiefly, and Fomantis. All of the above can be encountered in their Shiny forms.
  • Event bonuses:
    • 2× XP for catching Pokémon
    • Lure Modules activated during the event will last for one hour.
    • 500 Additional Stardust for catching the following Pokémon: Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis.
    • Lure Modules will attract different Pokémon during the event, such as Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis
    • Event-themed Field Research tasks will be available. Complete Field Research tasks to earn Stardust and encounters with Tandemaus.
    • Complete the catch-focused Collection Challenges to receive Stardust and Great Balls.
    • PokéStop Showcases featuring event-themed species
  • Raids:
    • One-Star Raids: Shellder, Dwebble, and Skrelp. All can be Shiny.
    • Three-Star Raids: Slowbro (can be Shiny), Hippowdon, Dhelmise
    • Five-Star Raids: Incarnate Forme Enamorus
    • Mega Raids: Mega Tyranitar (can be Shiny)

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Theo DwyerAbout Theo Dwyer

Theo Dwyer writes about comics, film, and games.
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