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Garbodor Raid Guide: Another Pokémon Trainer's Trash May Be Your Gem
In a world ruled by cute electric mice and powerful, fire-breathing dragons, what place is there for a sentient bag of trash? Garbodor might look like what you'd find out on your sidewalk on pick-up day, but this Poison-type Pokémon wants love as much as any Charmander or Squirtle. This Generation Five stinker is currently a Tier Four raid boss during Ultra Unlock: Unova Week, and here's how you can defeat it and add it to your Pokédex in Pokémon GO.
Top Garbodor Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top 10 Garbodor counters as such:
- Shadow Mewtwo (Confusion, Psystrike)
- Mewtwo (Confusion, Psystrike)
- Shadow Alakazam (Confusion, Psychic)
- Shadow Metagross (Zen Headbutt, Psychic)
- Shadow Gallade (Confusion, Psychic)
- Alakazam (Confusion, Psychic)
- Esepon (Confusion, Psychic)
- Shadow Exeggutor (Extrasensory, Psychic)
- Latios (Zen Headbutt, Psychic)
- Excadrill (Mud-Slap, Earthquake)
It is recommended to power up your counters as much as possible, and creating that amount of strong Shadow Pokémon with their moves unlocked is a tall order for even the most practiced players. Here are ten additional non-Shadow counters that can help take down Garbordor with efficiency.
- Metagross (Zen Headbutt, Psychic)
- Azelf (Confusion, Future Sight)
- Landorus (Mud Shot, Earth Power)
- Gallade (Confusion, Psychic)
- Gardevoir (Confusion, Psychic)
- Groudon (Mud Shot, Earthquake)
- Garchomp (Mud Shot, Earthquake)
- Exeggutor (Confusion, Psychic)
- Rhyperior (Mud-Slap, Earthquake)
- Latias (Zen Headbutt, Psychic)
How Many Trainers Are Needed?
Hilariously, even though it seems as if hitting this trashy boi with Psychic and Ground-types would do the trick, the Poison-type Garbodor is a true Tier Four raid boss and cannot be soloed. However, using the top counters listed above will enable two-level 40 trainers to defeat this Pokémon with Best Friend boost… though it may be a slight challenge. It is recommended that at least three trainers with the top counters team up to take on this Tier Four boss to guarantee a win.
Catching Garbodor
Garbodor is exactly in the middle of the screen, in the middle distance, with a big catch circle. While you likely won't need much help catching this Pokémon, the circle lock trick may come in handy nevertheless.
Using the circle lock technique, players can hold down the ball until Garbodor's catch circle shrinks. Releasing when the circle is at its smallest point allows the circle to lock, guaranteeing an "Excellent" throw if the ball can hit that point. Throw the ball when it is finishing its attack in order to successfully hit. The attack sees Garbodor quickly whip it's right… uh, arm… thing at the player. The Pokémon will settle back into its place and, as it settles, throw the ball. The best berry to help catch bosses of this level is the Golden Razz Berry. Paired with "excellent" throws, this should lead to a successfully caught Pokémon.
Shiny Garbodor odds
Garbodor is the second-stage evolution of Trubbish, and their line has not yet been released as Shiny. However, keep in mind that when Trubbish is released in its Shiny form, Garbodor as an evolution will not be able to be countered through raids as a Shiny.
100% IVs
When looking for a Pokémon with the best stats, the 100% IV Garbodor will have a CP of 1339 in normal weather conditions, and 1675 in boosted conditions. We hope this Raid Guide helps you catch this lovable, garbage Pokémon.