Posted in: Games, Humble Bundle, Paizo, Starfinder, Tabletop | Tagged: comicbooks for kids, humble bundle, Paizo, Starfinder
Humble Bundle Launches Starfinder Book Bundle For Comics Benefit
Humble Bundle has teamed up with Paizo to release a new Starfinder-centric bundle that will aid a charitable comic book effort. Like a lot of the Humble Bundle packs, this is a pay whatever you want situation as you can give as little or as much as you desire, with varied results of how much you can take away depending on your donation. This pack is basically a Starfinder player's dream bucket of content as there are 38 PDF items in this bundle. The grand total cost, if you were to buy everything individually, would run you over $400. You can pick all of it up for $60 in this bundle. And your money will be going to a good cause as the charity for this particular bundle is ComicBooks For Kids. You can read about the bundle and the charity below, and you can buy the content here.
Looking for your next tabletop adventure? Look up, and turn to the stars. Paizo's Starfinder is the perfect place to lose yourself in excitement, mixing fantasy with sci-fi, resulting in epic adventures through the galaxy and battles both on-foot and ship-to-ship! Buy this bundle, and enjoy everything you need to enjoy tabletop in this sci-fi world, with items like the Starfinder Beginner Box, Starfinder Pact Worlds, Starfinder Adventure: Skitter Home, and Starfinder Pact Worlds Hardcover. Plus, your purchase helps support Comic Books for Kids!
ComicBooks For Kiids' mission is very straight forward. It is to provide child friendly comic books to children in hospitals and cancer centers across the U.S. Where we can also help in Canada, we will as well. In almost every case, these will come as new comics from the many publishers who support us. On occasion, we will also provide unread, warehouse overstock. In all cases, we work within the medical facility's infectious disease policies .