Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: nintendo, Nintendo Switch Online, Punch Out!!, Star Soldier, Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Nintendo Announces Three NES Titles for Nintendo Switch Online in April
This evening, Nintendo released news that three classic NES titles will be added to Nintendo Switch Online in April, and there are some interesting choices this month. First off, you're getting the original Punch-Out!!, to a degree. It's not the arcade, and it's not the Mike Tyson version, you're getting the one featuring Mr. Dream. Which was the version they came out with after the license with Tyson expired. We can guess a number of reasons why they didn't get a new license, but there you go. You're also getting Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, which is basically the original Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan, which was deemed "too hard" for western players and why we got the version we got. And then Star Soldier, which is a semi-forgotten gem from the library from 1988. Here's Nintendo's official descriptions and the trailer for them below as they will all be added on April 10th.
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels – Originally released in Japan as Super Mario Bros.® 2, this game has previously made only brief cameo appearances in the Western Hemisphere. Mario fans will appreciate the familiar look and feel of the game, while finding that its updated gameplay creates an entirely new challenge. In addition to the classic enemies already known to fans worldwide, there are also Poison Mushrooms, backward Warp Zones and the occasional wind gust (which can help or hinder your progress).
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream – As young boxer Little Mac, players have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to battle the big guys of the World Video Boxing Association circuit. Take them on one by one, starting with skinny Glass Joe. Battle up through King Hippo and all the way to the WVBA Champion himself. Players use their best jabs, hooks and power uppercuts to knock out opponents, but must also dodge jaw-breaking blows by paying attention to subtle changes in their foe's body position.
Star Soldier – The standard for vertically scrolling shooters, Star Soldier is the original game that spawned all of the titles in the long-running Soldier series. Go inside a floating space station inhabited by a giant computer known as Starbrain. Your mission: to stop Starbrain's galactic invasion by piloting Caesar, a new compact space fighter, through 16 deadly stages.