Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: blizzard, Doomfist, overwatch
'Overwatch' Players Have Discovered A Funny Tactic Against Doomfist
If you've been playing on the Overwatch PRT servers, chances are every single match you've been playing lately has been with people experimenting with Mercy's ultimate and everyone else trying out Doomfist. The character is an instant hit with many people on the server, but like a lot of characters, there's just no escaping one of his moves. The Rocket Punch. It's been nerfed a bit already as players discovered his range has been shrunk from 30 meters to 25, but some clever people found an exploit in the game that is sure to anger a few players mid-game.
Watch the gif below that's been making the rounds today as a McCree player discovered a way around getting punched into oblivion. After pulling off his ultimate, the player simply turns on his sitting emote, causing anyone to play Doomfist to rocket right over the player and leave themselves vulnerable to an attack while the Rocket Punch recharges. That's some clever gameplay right there, and word is that it works with almost every character, except tanks like D.Va and Reinhardt because their character's body is just too big to miss.
There's no firm date of when Doomfist will be added to the Overwatch roster, chances are it will be in August with the Summer Games event. But it looks like people are getting some great practice in as far as avoiding one of his best moves.