Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Aspyr Media, star wars, Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Star Wars Episode I: Racer Has Been Released On Xbox One
Aspyr Media revealed today that they will finally be bringing the revitalized version of Star Wars Episode I: Racer to Xbox One. The game was originally released for PS4 and Switch owners as they managed to modernize the classic N64 racing title and give it a new breath of life with updated graphics and controls while keeping most of the original title intact. Now Xbox Players can jump in on the action and get their racer going in some of the toughest courses you'll ever see from a Star Wars title. We have more details below from the company as well as a trailer showing it off on an Xbox.
"We released Star Wars Episode l: Racer on Switch and PS4 earlier this year and were thrilled to see the positive response among those playing for the first time, as well as fans of the original, all of whom couldn't get enough of this adrenaline-pumping favorite," said Elizabeth Howard, vice president of publishing at Aspyr. "Now, we're finally bringing it to the Xbox fans so they can join the race, put the pedal to the metal, and experience a beloved classic Star Wars game."
Star Wars Episode l: Racer, the classic sci-fi racing game based on the Podracing sequence in the film Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, is back with:
- Twenty-five (25) playable racers including Anakin Skywalker, Sebulba, and Ratts Tyerell.
- Race tracks spanning eight unique worlds including Tatooine, Baroonda, and Malastare.
- Players can work with pit droids to upgrade Podracers for higher top speeds and acceleration.
- Discover short-cuts and secrets to master lap times.
- Play single player campaigns or multiplayer via split-screen.