Posted in: Dungeons & Dragons, Games, Video Games, Wizards of the Coast | Tagged: Cadaver Collector, d&d, DnD, dungeons & dragons, wizards of the coast
Dungeons & Dragons Reintroduces the Horror That is the Cadaver Collector
In what will probably be one of the scariest foes you'll have to come across in all of Dungeons & Dragons, the developers have brought back a creature that they have described as "nightmare fuel" with the return of the Cadaver Collector.
As you can see from the art below, this guy basically kills would-be adventurers and then tosses the bodies of his fallen enemies on his back as trophies. This is basically uncaring death incarnate for every DM to play with when Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes comes out next week. Here are a few words and a video featuring Dungeons & Dragons' Jeremy Crawford about the returning creature.
It is this lumbering creature, the construct, with spikes on it, upon which are the corpses impaled of various warriors. Now Cadaver Collectors, as we describe them in Mordenkainen's, are originally from the Outer Plane of Acheron. Acheron is this realm of endless war. It's associated particularly with orc and goblinoid deities, as well as many others, where it is often described, there are these giant cubes, like moon-sized cubes, with warring factions on them, and these cubes are slamming together. Upon those war-torn cubes, these large constructs, the Cadaver Collectors, wander around taking the dead and impaling them on the spikes on their backs. Then they are able to summon forth the specters of those fallen warriors.