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Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Cottonee, Lush Jungle, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
The Lush Jungle Event 2022 Begins Today In Pokémon GO
Today, the Lust Jungle event begins in Pokémon GO. This event will introduce Shiny Cottonee, the Legendary Tapu Lele, and the new Alolan species Fomantis and its evolution Lurantis. Let's get into the details.
Here is the full event breakdown of the Lush Jungle event in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Today, Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022, at 10:00 AM until Tuesday, March 29th, 2022, at 8:00 PM local time.
- Shiny release: Cottonee (See more below.)
- New Alolan Pokémon: Fomantis (the Sickle Grass Pokémon) and its evolution, Lurantis (the Bloom Sickle Pokémon) will be released, with Fomantis in the wild and Lurantis obtainable through evolution.
- New Legendary Raid Boxx release: Tapu Lele in Tier Five raids.
- Event within an event: The "Lush Jungle park spotlight" will run Saturday, March 26th, 2022 through Sunday, March 27th, 2022. Cottonee will be appearing more frequently in parks for this event within an event. As I wrote in the initial announcement, I feel that this is a new style of event and certainly is an example of Niantic pushing Pokémon GO back to being an outdoor game. As an advocate for Niantic adding to the game rather than taking away bonuses, I'll reiterate that this as a perfect example of a good way to reintroduce real-world elements to the game.
- Special Research: Stay tuned for the full tasks and rewards of a Tapu Lele-focused Special Research.
- Timed Research: Niantic writes, "Trainers who complete certain Timed Research tasks during the event will earn items and encounters with various event-themed Pokémon, like Fomantis." Stay tuned for more details right here at Bleeding Cool.
- Wild Pokémon: Metapod, Paras, Exeggcute, Hoothoot, Sudowoodo, Ferroseed, and Fomantis. Note that Metapod is an evolved Pokémon so it will offer more Caterpie Candy when caught.
- Rare spawns: Pinsir and Cottonee.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Bellsprout, Tangela, Sewaddle, and Cottonee.
- Tier Three: Butterfree, Vileplume, Parasect, and Exeggutor.
- Tier Five: Tapu Lele.
- Mega Raids: Mega Charizard.

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