Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: doduo, mega evolution, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
The Mega Buddy Event Is Now Live In Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO focused all of its events on Mega Evolution during September. The first event, a Mega Raid Challenge, tasked players with completing raids to unlock Mega Pidgeot. Then, the Mega Battle Challenge teased Mega Houndoom if a certain amount of trainer battles or Team GO Rocket encounters could be completed. Now, the final challenge of the month is here with the Mega Buddy Event. The event, which started Tuesday, September 22nd at 8 AM, will run until Monday, September 28th at 10PM local time. This time, trainers are tasked with completing the Mega Buddy Challenge, which will unlock Mega Gengar research during next month's Halloween event.
The Mega Buddy event will feature unique in-game bonuses, including:
- Mega Evolution lasting for twelve hours
- Poffins that will last for double-time when given to Buddies
- Snapshot photobombs that will spawn Mega-capable Pokémon such as Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, and Pidgeot. This is especially interesting, as all of these Pokémon can now be encountered in their Shiny forms. If you want that iconic black Charizard, take pictures of Fire-type Pokémon to get the photobomb encounter.
The main featured Pokémon is Doduo, who will spawn in the wild but may be somewhat difficult to find due to its rarity. It will also be in raids and the "Catch 7 different species of Pokémon" task from Pokéstops.
Wild spawns were advertised by Niantic as featuring "big" Pokémon. These spawns have now been observed by trainers to include:
- Alolan Exeggutor – shiny available, boosted rate
- Doduo – shiny available, rate unkown
- Dunsparce – shiny available, standard rate
- Furret
- Hariyama
- Hitmonchan
- Hitmonlee
- Lapras – shiny available, boosted rate
- Mantine
- Onix – shiny available, boosted rate
- Pinsir – shiny available, standard rate
- Skarmory – shiny available, boosted rate
- Snorlax
- Wailmer – shiny available, standard rate
- Wobbuffet
A "boosted rate" for a Shiny Pokémon doesn't mean that they have increased Shiny odds during this event. These are Pokémon that are given the rare spawn permaboost that species like Sneasel also offer. During the Mega Buddy Event, there are more of these rarer spawns than usual. Stay tuned to Bleeding Cool for our breakdown of the full Mega Buddy Challenge Timed Research, which will unlock the upcoming Mega Gengar Research while giving an abundance of Mega Beedrill Energy as well. A full raid rotation report will also follow.