The newly announced Pokémon GO event, Steeled Resolve, introduces Rookidee and brings back older Community Day-exclusive moves.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Pokémon GO | Tagged: pokemon, pokemon go, yveltal
Today Is Yveltal Raid Hour #1 In Pokémon GO: Learn 100% IVs
Tonight is Yveltal Raid Hour in Pokémon GO. That means that from 6 PM – 7 PM tonight, May 19th, most of the gyms in the game will be taken over by Tier Five raids featuring the newly released Dark/Flying-type Legendary Pokémon Yveltal. Here are our tips for taking advantage of this Kalos Legendary's debut raid hour!
- 100% IVs: When encountering a 100% IV Yveltal, it will have a CP of 2160 in standard weather conditions and 2701 in boosted weather conditions. Knowing these CPs by heart will allow you to know which catches to prioritize, especially if you are with a quickly-moving raid party. The closer you are to those numbers, the higher IVs the Yveltal you're encountering will have.
- Counters: Build a team of the best Yveltal counters using our Raid Guide. As a brief tip, you're going to want to mostly use Electric-types and Ice-types. If you have Shadow Pokémon of these typings that you have powered up and unlocked moves on, you're in a great place. The overall top counter is Shadow Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge, with the top non-Shadow counter being Zekrom with Charge Beam and Wild Charge.
- Building teams: The automatically generated raid parties you see in Pokémon GO are not the best options. These prioritize Defense, but you always want to prioritize Attack. Go to your Battle Area, switch to the Party tab, and prepare a team in advance so that when the raid begins, you can quickly and easily slide to your preferred team. Giving it a useful nickname will help you differentiate between which parties are meant for which Pokémon.
Like Xerneas before it, Yveltal will receive two total raid hours during its first stint in Pokémon GO. Best of luck to everyone getting out there and raiding for this exciting new Dark/Flying-type Legendary Pokémon!
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