Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: pokemon, regigigas, Timeless Travels
Tonight Is Regigigas Raid Hour In Pokémon GO: Timeless Travels
Regigigas Raid Hour goes down tonight in Pokémon GO, with Shiny Regigigas available to encounter for lucky and dedicated Trainers.
Article Summary
- Join the Regigigas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO tonight from 6-7 PM.
- Shiny Regigigas with distinctive dark blue coloring may be caught.
- Use top Mega and Shadow counters like Mega Rayquaza and Shadow Machamp.
- January features Ultra Beasts in raids and special Raid Hours every Wednesday.
Today is Regigigas Raid Hour in Pokémon GO. From 6 PM – 7 PM, Wednesday, December 27th, this Normal-type Legendary Pokémon will appear in Tier Five Raids all over the game. Most Gyms on your map will feature these Raids, so you will have a great chance to hunt for Shiny Regigigas. The Shiny version of Regigigas is easy to notice, as its yellow elements are replaced with dark blue. Let's look at some tips for this event.
Top Pokémon GO Mega counters:
- Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail, Dragon Ascent
- Mega Blaziken: Counter, Focus Blast
- Mega Alakazam: Counter, Focus Blast
Top Shadow counters:
- Shadow Machamp: Counter, Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Hariyama: Counter, Dynamic Punch
More top counters:
- Terrakion: Double Kick, Sacred Sword
- Keldeo: Low Kick, Sacred Sword
- Conkeldurr: Counter, Dynamic Punch
- Lucario: Counter, Aura Sphere
- Virizion: Double Kick, Sacred Sword
- Cobalion: Double Kick, Sacred Sword
- Machamp: Counter, Dynamic Punch
- Breloom: Counder, Dynamic Punch
- Buzzwole: Counter, Superpower
- Hariyama: Counter, Dynamic Punch
- Galarian Zapdos: Counter, Close Combat
- Hawlucha: Low Kick, Flying Press
- Pheromosa: Low Kick, Close Combat
Catching details:
- How many Trainers are needed?: Regigigas can be defeated with three trainers, but if you cannot guarantee the top counters with maxed-out CP and the best moves, your best bet is to make sure you have four or more players.
- Shiny rate: The Shiny rate for Legendary Pokémon is approximately one in 20.
- 100% IVs: 100% IV Regigigas will have a CP of 2483 in normal weather conditions and 3104 in boosted conditions.
These are the Pokémon that will appear in Tier Five raids in Pokémon GO this January 2024:
- January 1st – January 10th: The Ultra Beasts will appear in Tier Five Raids, but will be region locked. Trainers will be able to accept and send Remote Raid Invites to Trainers outside of their region. The Ultra Beasts that will appear and the locations in which they'll be featured include:
- Buzzwole in the Americas and Greenland
- Xurkitree in the Asia-Pacific
- Pheromosa in Europe, India, and the Middle East
- January 10th – January 17th: Therian Forme Tornadus with Bleakwind Storm (can be Shiny)
- January 17th – January 24th: Therian Forme Thundurus with Wildbolt Storm (can be Shiny)
- January 24th – January 31st: Therian Forme Landorus with Sandsear Storm (can be Shiny)
- Shadow Raids: Shadow Moltres (can be Shiny) is a confirmed feature for weekends.
The Raid Hours for the month of January 2024 in Pokémon GO are:
- Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024: Ultra Beasts, featuring:
- Buzzwole in the Americas and Greenland
- Xurkitree in the Asia-Pacific
- Pheromosa in Europe, India, and the Middle East
- Wednesday, January 10th, 2024: Therian Forme Tornadus with Bleakwind Storm (can be Shiny)
- Wednesday, January 17th, 2024: Therian Forme Thundurus with Wildbolt Storm (can be Shiny)
- Wednesday, January 24th, 2024: Therian Forme Landorus with Sandsear Storm (can be Shiny)
Be sure to check back on Bleeding Cool for daily updates on all things Pokémon GO.