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Tynamo, Eelektrik, & Eelektross Are Now Live In Pokémon GO
Tynamo and its evolutionary line of Eelektrik and Eelektross are now live in Pokémon GO. It looks as if Tynamo isn't going to be too difficult to encounter unlike some recent releases, and will be available in the wild and in Eggs. Oddly, this line is pure Electric-type rather than what you'd think upon looking at them. Dual Electric/Water-type, right? Right? Anyway, now that we have yet another Unova Pokémon added to the game, let's again take a look back at our Fall 2020 "Unova Pokémon that Still Haven't Been Released In Pokémon GO" article and update where we are.
The missing Unova Pokémon, at the time, were:
Munna, Musharna (Psychic-type)
Not only are these out, but Niantic is being a bit too much with Munna. Munna was featured during Valentine's Day, which — great. Great! Then, it was very oddly placed as the main encounter of last week's Season of Legends Special Research rather than… you know, a Legendary Pokémon. Then, it was again featured during this past week's Incense Day. Cool Pokémon, Niantic, but chill.
Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile (Ground/Dark-type)
Sandile is now featured as a rare hatch in 12 KM Eggs.
Zorua, Zoroark (Dark-type)
Unreleased. This fan-favorite little Dark-type fox needs to come out already. Stop playing, Niantic!
Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe (Ice-type)
Like Delibird, Vanillite seems to be a Holiday-only spawn in Pokémon GO.
Deerling, Sawsbuck (Normal/Grass-type)
Released. We've had Autumn Deerling, Winter Deerling, and now Spring Deerling. Thankfully, Spring Deerling is far more common than Winter Deerling, which was quite hard to find in the wild.
Frillish, Jellicent (Water/Ghost-type)
Released, originally as a GO Battle League exclusive encounter but now available to encounter in the wild, albeit rare.
Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross (Electric-type)
Mienfoo, Mienshao (Fighting-type)
Not yet released, and I'll tell you this… this species' card in the new Pokémon TCG set Battle Styles is making me wish it was here!
Druddigon (Dragon-type)
Pawniard, Bisharp (Dark/Steel-type)
Uncommon hatch in 12 KM Strange Eggs.
Vullaby, Mandibuzz (Dark/Flying-type)
Common hatch in 12 KM Strange Eggs.
Larvesta, Volcarona (Bug/Fire-type)
Keldeo (Water/Fighting-type)
Meloetta (Normal/Psychic-type or Normal/Fighting-type depending on the form)
All unreleased.
Looking back, this makes the non-Mythical unreleased Pokémon list quite sure. We're looking at:
- Zorua, Zororark
- Mienfoo, Mienshao
- Druddigon
- Larvesta, Volcarona