Devil May Cry 5 certainly leaves an impression. What felt like a franchise unable to come back from the brink, now feels like one with a future.
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: dice, EA, entertainment, games, Mirror's Edge, mirror's edge catalyst, video games
Take A Look At How To Move And How To Fight In These New Mirror's Edge Catalyst Clips
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is still a little out right now. It's not due til May, but we have begun to see lots more of the game recently.
So, why not a little more? Here are two videos trying to show off the different tenants of gameplay, combat and movement. You'll have to utilise both to get around the title, and now you can see how they both play out. Take a look:
You can also see how erratic the perspective can be, which was one of my worries when I played it back at E3. But hey, if they can figure out that, this will be one slick game I'm sure.

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