Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: art baltazar, aw yeah team-up, Christopher Daniels, franco, ring of honor, roh, wrasslin, wrestling
Ahead Of ROH 15th Anniversary World Title Match Friday, Christopher Daniels Goes In-Depth On Wrestling And Comics
In his wrestling career that spans 24 years, Christopher Daniels has never won the world championship. On Friday, March 10, at Ring of Honor's 15th Anniversary PPV event, Daniels will have the opportunity to win the gold when he faces Adam Cole in the main event. Daniels joined us last week to talk about the show, about his career, about the wrestling business in general, and about his love of comics and his comic book, in stores now, Aw Yeah Comics Team-Up. Check out the interview below, and order Ring of Honor 15th Anniversary this Friday.
What sets Ring of Honor apart from the type of wrestling that the mainstream is familiar with?
The main thing that sets Ring of Honor apart from — let's just say it, WWE, because that's what the mainstream knows of professional wrestling is WWE — Ring of Honor puts a premium on the bell to bell action, like what happens in the ring, the actual wrestling matches. That's what Ring of Honor puts their focus on. There's a lot less backstage skits. There's a lot less in-ring promos. It's mostly about the wrestling. That's what I think has always been Ring of Honor's selling point. You get guys from all around the world, whether they're based in the states, or they've wrestled in Japan or wrestled in Mexico. We get them here and this is their opportunity to show the world that they are a top flight athlete and a top level entertainer when it comes to professional wrestling.
You've wrestled on and off for Ring of Honor over the years, but from the beginning of the promotion, you were there. Do you see them as the promotion that you identify with the most?
I certainly feel like, even when I was away from them, people put me and Ring of Honor in the same sentence. Even when I was I was doing TNA, when I was doing independents, I feel like, because I was there at the very beginning, because I worked the first couple of years of Ring of Honor's existence, I feel like they associate me with Ring of Honor. Especially now that I've returned to Ring of Honor since 2014, and the odds are pretty good that I'll probably wrestle my last match in Ring of Honor, people associate me with Ring of Honor first and foremost.
Ring of Honor is often referred to as the second largest promotion in the US. Is that true?
I guess that's debatable. I think the top two companies in the US that aren't WWE are Ring of Honor and TNA. The difference is, right now, Ring of Honor are running live events around the US. We have syndicated television, and we do broadcast PPV. TNA has sort of been in a slump the last year in terms of their touring capabilities. But now that they've gone through management changes, they might be starting to build back up. I guess those are the two that are competing for the number two position. Depending on what your gage of success is, we're either number two or number three.
What's the potential for Ring of Honor to get bigger without going the "more sports entertainment" route?
It all depends on Sinclair Broadcasting and how much focus they want to put on us in terms of their broadcast capabilities. We're constantly adding new affiliates to Sinclair's umbrella. Then it's just a matter of putting the show on, focusing on the show, making it available to the general public.
Speaking of which, when is Ring of Honor going to make an app for Xbox or Roku?
These are things that we're all debating. Guts above my pay level are talking about working on a streaming service, trying to figure out what the best way is to get Ring of Honor available. One of the things we did recently was partner up with FITE TV, which is an app. That's an app where you can watch our television show the weekend it airs. The very next Monday, you can watch the episode on FITE TV. So for places that don't have an affiliate close by, FITE TV has been the easiest way to be able to see the show other than watching it on the website,
That's great news for cord cutters.
I feel like with the advent of The [WWE] Network, it's slowly but surely gonna be a way for people to see Ring of Honor as well. It's just a matter of us getting all the ducks in a row and making it happen.
Ring of Honor 15th anniversary show, that's March 10?
March 10, yes.
You've got a title shot. What's your strategy going into that match against Adam Cole?
Well, the truth of the matter is my strategy is sort of the same strategy that I've had for the last couple of years. As someone that's been wrestling for 24 years at this point, 9 times out of 10 and this time more than any other, I'm wrestling a guy younger than me. So you look at the possibility of him being faster than me or stronger than me or having more stamina than me. And that might be the case, but the one thing that I know that he doesn't have more of than I do is experience. So my game plan is to try and map out potential possibilities that happen in a match, try to account for every variable, and try to figure out game plans for if the match goes a certain way. My strong suit has always been my strategy, so I have to have that game plan in place before the bell even rings.
In all your time in Ring of Honor, you've not won the world title. Is that right?
That's right.
So is that the ultimate goal?
Absolutely. That's everyone's ultimate goal. Anyone who goes into professional wrestling, at some point, they want to be the leader of the company, the world champion. This has been something that's eluded me for the fifteen years that Ring of Honor has been around, and it's something that I want very badly. As someone who's wrestled almost 24 years, wrestling at a top level and having all the opportunities that I had and not coming away with the world championship, that sort of sticks with you. So I definitely want the opportunity to be a world champion, and this may be the last opportunity that I ever have.
Following that, in April, there's Supercard of Honor. That's a show with Ring of Honor, New Japan, and CMLL?
Yes, it's stars from Ring of Honor, New Japan, and CMLL competing at that show.
You're fighting Frankie Kazarian there, who is your former tag team partner?
That's correct.
What happened? The last I saw, you guys were hugging in the ring after you beat Jay Briscoe on TV. Now you're fighting him at Supercard of Honor?
Well, this sort of goes into the realm of spoilers, but at the last TV event, I had a confrontation with Adam Cole, and Frankie came out at the last second and revealed that he's decided to join the bullet club. So this is just a matter of mind games being played by Adam Cole and the Bullet Club, and so somehow and for some reason, they've convinced Frankie to switch allegiances. So now I'm going into the main event of the PPV on March 10 without my best friend watching my back. So that's where we are.
Do you expect him to get involved in that match?
I expect that anybody from Bullet Club can get involved in my match. I'm in the position where, hopefully the guys that respect me in the locker room take exception to the possibility that the bullet club's gonna get involved, and hopefully they'll be watching the ringside area and they'll be watching my back?
What do you think of the state of the wrestling business today? Is it a good time to be a wrestler, especially outside WWE, compared to other times in your career?
I absolutely think it's a good time to be a wrestler. Part of that is because, in the United States, wrestling sort of lives and breathes by how the WWE is doing. If you look at the WWE at this point, they're the mainstream. They are what probably 9 out of 10 people in the United States know as professional wrestling. If they're successful, usually, there's a trickle down effect where all professional wrestling sort of follows suit.
One of the things I've noticed in the last couple years is WWE is broadening what they see as professional wrestling. You look at the advent of, for example, NXT, and 205 Live, and the Cruiserweight Classic that just happened recently; all of these guys that maybe weren't on the radar of WWE in the past, now, all of a sudden, they're getting the opportunity to show the world their wrestling skills. And because there's an advent of interest in the WWE, there also tends to be an advent of interest in professional wrestling overall. Guys that want to be professional wrestlers and are striving to be professional wrestlers that might not have the opportunity to go into the WWE system are finding avenues for their work to be seen on the independent scene, in Ring of Honor, in TNA, overseas, and because there's so much interest in professional wrestling like that, I feel like fans now have a wider variety of professional wrestling to watch.
Another wrestler recently compared WWE to McDonalds, in the sense that everybody knows McDonalds, everybody's eaten at McDonalds, but you can't eat McDonalds every day. And so I think professional wrestling fans may watch WWE, but can't always watch WWE, and that can't be the only wrestling they watch if they're really fans. So they go out and they hunt down matches like Kenny Omega versus Kazuchika Okada from Wrestle Kingdom this year. They go out and they look for stuff like Ring of Honor, or EVOLVE, or Lucha Underground, or TNA, and because there is such a wide variety now, I feel like fans are hunting down this stuff and trying to find different styles and different wrestlers and looking past the WWE for their pro-wrestling entertainment.
Do you watch a lot of other promotion's shows in your off time?
Not regularly. I'll keep in touch with WWE when I know my friends are wrestling. I'll watch a little bit of stuff, like people who are inside the Ring of Honor circle, so to speak, when we hear guys that are sort of getting a buzz about their name, we'll try and look them up, sort of see what they're doing, but otherwise, I don't really seek it out myself to watch.
How do you think the Internet and the explosion of wrestling fandom on the internet has changed the business?
I feel like there's way better access for wrestling fans to see different wrestlers. Back when I was coming up, I got sort of a word of mouth about my work, but it took people a while. You know, you had to trade tapes and I might not get an opportunity to come wrestle in front of a certain fanbase until I was booked in that area. Now, if you wanted to see my work, or someone else's work, you could search them up on YouTube, or you could look on different torrent sites, or you could go to different promotions' websites and see matches on their sites. So there's a much wider availability to see different wrestling, and I think that's made it easier for certain wrestlers to come into prominence, because once somebody knows about a certain wrestler, then, all of a sudden, everybody sort of knows. That word of mouth spreads so much quicker now than it did in the early nineties when I was starting.
I was reading a rumor on the Internet a couple weeks back. It was Bruce Pritchard, on a podcast, and he said that you were originally intended to be the higher power behind The Undertaker's Corporate Ministry back in the Attitude Era, which was eventually revealed to be Vince McMahon. Is there any truth to that?
I wouldn't know. They never mentioned that to me. And the first I ever heard of that was someone relaying that information from Bruce's Podcast. So this wasn't something that they discussed with me when they were bringing it up. I know, back in that period of time, I was making myself available to the WWF, doing dark matches and trying to get a job, and I know Bruce Pritchard had known me from the dark matches that I had and also because he came out to EPW in Southern California pretty frequently. So it's very possible that he saw an opportunity for me to play a character.
But the truth is, I sort of felt like that wasn't a realistic position for me to play, as an unknown wrestler to sort of come in and be the mind or the intellect behind The Undertaker and that sort of stuff. I don't feel like it would have been an easy thing for me to play, being an unknown. It would have been a tough sell for me to come out and be revealed as the man behind the curtain for all of this stuff happening for all of these people who are established stars and then here I come. "Who's that guy?" I understand why it didn't come to fruition the way that it was explained and then seeing the way it played out anyway.
But if the Internet were around back then, it may have worked very well.
Maybe. But I mean, again, the Internet, even as prominent as the Internet is now, they look at the Internet audience versus the full audience as almost just a fraction, you know what I mean? So a lot of times they make their decisions, not based on how the Internet would play, but more on how they feel the general audience would look at something.
Do you think that's the right way to look at it?
I don't know, man. I could see arguments both ways. I feel the best decisions get made when you look at both sides of that, like if you try to play a little bit towards that Internet, but don't make all your decisions solely on what you think the Internet is going to say. Because, again, not everybody, not every wrestling fan, bases their fandom from what they see on the Internet. A lot of them just watch what they happens on the television. So you run the risk of alienating one side or the other when you base your decisions solely on what one side of that equation may or may not see.
That's true. Watching wrestling can be more fun if you can avoid the internet when watching because it tends to skew negative. It can a bummer if you enjoyed a show and you get online and everyone's complaining about it.
I think that's sort of the way it goes. The prominent focus of the Internet is criticism sometimes. A lot of feedback that comes from wrestling, 9 times out of 10, it's "oh this didn't work" or "this is what they should have done" instead of letting go of that and enjoying it for what it is. A lot of guys try to figure it out and try to predict the path instead of just enjoying the path that they're on.
Do you follow the wrestling internet?
No, not really. You could bog yourself down in that. That's sort of a rabbit hole you could fall into and get stuck forever. So I try not to.
Were you rooting for Billy Corgan to take over TNA?
It wasn't specifically Billy Corgan. I just knew that they needed a change in mentality. Especially the last year or two that I was there, there was, not a stagnation, but a holding pattern. The idea of Billy coming in and shaking things up seemed like a positive step for TNA. As it all played out, it was sort of a disappointment because I felt like Billy had a fresh mindset or at least a fresh set of eyes to look at the product, and to see that they fought that off made me think that they were more interested in keeping the status quo rather than attempting to grow and do different things.
What I'm reading on the internet now is that Jeff Jarrett seems to be back in charge. Do you think that's the right move?
That's not really for me to say. I know that when Jeff was there, they had a lot of success. But I don't know if going back to the old ways… Jeff might not even be looking at it in that respect. He may be coming at it, being a away for so long, with a fresh set of eyes. Only time will tell if that's gonna be the right decision for them or not.
Can you see yourself every going back there?
No, I don't think so. I feel like my relationship with Ring of Honor right now is better than it's ever been. I can't think of a situation right now that would make me want to walk away from Ring of Honor and go back to TNA.
So you think you'll finish out your career completely at Ring of Honor?
Most likely. I can't really say with 100% certainty because you never know what will happen, but at this point, I can't envision a scenario that would come around where I would voluntarily walk away form what I've got going on with Ring of Honor.
That kind of answers my next question, but a lot of guys in the independent scene seem to finally be getting their due in WWE. I was gonna ask if you saw yourself getting a run there, but I guess the answer is no?
Well, honestly speaking, I don't see it being realistic. I'm 46 years old. They're probably not looking to start with someone — even if they thought my reputation with the independent or the Internet crowd was strong — I don't see them giving me an opportunity to be introduced at this point in my career. So, as good as the situation for guys like Joe and AJ and Kevin Steen and Austin Aires is up there, I don't see the same opportunities up there for me because I'm a lot older than those guys. That's just the way the timing of my career worked out.
Do you think WWE took the belt away from AJ Styles too soon?
Debatable I guess. Watching AJ lose it to John, and for John to lose it two weeks later, kind makes me feel like that might, depending on how Wrestlemania pans out… I was happy to see Bray Wyatt get an opportunity because I'm a big fan of his work as well, but I'm not sure how this is all playing out. So it depends on how the end result of the scenario going on with Bray and Randy Orton plays out. I certainly would argue that having AJ retain the belt and going into Wrestlemania with the belt, rather than switching it as quickly as it did the last two times, that… I guess it all depends on what the end result is in Orlando.
You've worked with so many wrestlers over the years. Who are some of your favorite guys to work with? Is there anybody you regret not getting to work with?
The easy answer for that is AJ And Joe. They're probably the two guys I had the most fun with, and the most experience wrestling over the course of my career. I have to add the young bucks into that equation because the last couple of years, with me and Frankie wrestling them as often as we did, I felt like we had a great chemistry with those two. As far as guys that I didn't get a chance to work with, the top of that list for me would have to be Chris Jericho because he was someone I always looked up to in my career, someone I tried to emulate. I always said that, for me, the best mixture of the pure in-ring athleticism and the entertainment value, the number one guy for me is Chris Jericho. The amount of times that he's reinvented himself and made himself relevant again on the wrestling scene, it's just a marvel to watch. It's something that I always tried to emulate, and the level of success that he has is something that I've always aspired to.
Your career has lasted 24 years so far, and you're at still the top of your game. What's your secret to longevity, and do you have any advice to guys that are starting out now?
Well, honestly, I feel like one of the reasons I've been able to stick around as long as I have is because I never had the full time schedule for a very long time. One of the things, as much as I wanted it, I never had that success at the WWE level in the sense that I never was full time, four or five days a week, for a long period of time. The most I ever had was the periods of time that I was with, for example, TNA, that we would do live tapings every week and then we would do live events. But even then, that was like every other week. When I was touring Japan, at the peak of my Japan tours, that would be three weeks on and then a month off. So part of it is that I never really had that full time schedule that guys like AJ and Kevin Steen and those guys are doing now. So I think that has a lot to do with why I'm still going after 24 years.
And as far as advice for young guys coming up, one of the first things that I always tell guys is, once they learn how to do all the stuff that they're learning to do as far as the physicality of professional wrestling, once they learn that and they're starting to wrestle matches, they need to go out and wrestle as many different people as they can for as many promoters as they can, because you need to be comfortable with yourself as a performer to the point where you can go into strange locker room and meet a wrestler for the first time, and then, a couple hours later, have a great wrestling match with that guy. When you can become that comfortable with yourself, that's when you become a commodity to promoters. They know that, no matter what I do, if I put this wrestler in the opening match, if I put him in the main event, if I make him a bad guy, if I make him a good guy, if I put him with a high flyer, if I put him with a brawler, if they know that no matter what situation they put you in you'll thrive and succeed, that's when they want to keep using you and keep promoting you. Like I said, that's when you become a commodity to them. So my big advice to guys is don't just wrestle the same guys that you train with, because if you stay in that circle of guys, you're only gonna become as good as the best guy in that circle. So you have to broaden your horizons and get outside of your comfort zone to become better.
You're a big comic book fan, right?
I am a big comic book fan.
What do you think about comics and wrestling goes together so well? There seems to be a big crossover audience.
Well, I think that the two art forms are probably the most similar in the sense that they tell continuous stories. Every month there's a new comic book. Every week there's a new wrestling show. These characters progress through the story of their lives. It's continuous. It's not like a season of television or a season of football. It's 24/7, 265 days a year. Watching characters grow through the years like that, whether you're talking about professional wrestlers or comic book characters, I think that's one of the reasons why the fanbase is so similar. They're used to that storytelling, watching these characters go through their lives like that. I've always said too, the closest to a real life comic book character or a real life superhero you're gonna get is professional wrestling. In the wrestling ring, we're telling stories of good vs evil, and you've got these guys with their "superpowers." Whether you're talking about high flying, or technical ability, or brawling, any of that. These colorfully dressed characters interacting with each other and good triumphing over evil, that's all happening inside a wrestling ring, and I think that's one of the reasons why the crossover between wrestling and comics are so strong is because they're so similar.
Do you keep up with the current state of comics?
Yeah, I'm a Marvel guy, so I'm reading the Marvel stuff that's coming out. That's my main to do. Every once in a while I'll read independent stuff or DC stuff, but I'm usually Marvel top to bottom.
Any favorite series coming out now?
Well, I'm a big Brian Michael Bendis fan, so I'm a huge fan of Jessica Jones, of Invincible Iron Man, Infamous Iron Man right now. I feel like Bendis is probably the best writer that they've got there. Not to minimize Al Ewing or Dan Scott, whose work I also enjoy. But for me, my favorite stuff right now is the stuff that Bendis is doing. I was a big fan of Civil War 2. I'm digging the Guardians of the Galaxy stuff that he's writing. I'm looking forward to how he ends that series. That's the main stuff that I'm looking forward to right now.
Have you checked out any of the wrestling comics that are coming out right now?
I haven't looked at the WWE stuff. My main wrestling comic focus has been Headlocked by Michael Kingston. Ever since he started his series, and he's been doing his trade paperbacks through Kickstarter, I've been a big supporter of his work. The last trade that he released is really excellent stuff. That stuff I'm a big fan of, and I was fortunate enough to support his Kickstarter, so I've seen the stuff that he did with Samoa Joe and the Young Bucks and MVP in the most recent trade that he released. That stuff for me is my favorite wrestling stuff. I picked up the first couple of issues of Ringside, and back a couple years ago there was a great independent series called Swerved that was written by a guy named John Judy [and artist Dexter Wee] that was released by Arcana. That was a really cool miniseries that was based in the world of professional wrestling, but it wasn't a pro wrestling story specifically. It was sort of a crime thriller based in the 1980s Texas wrestling scene, which I thought was really cool, so that was one of my favorite wrestling books as well.
That does sound cool. And I've been in touch with the guy from Headlocked recently, so I'm gonna talk to him soon on the site.
It was surprising how close to real life Mike had written the book despite never being in a wrestling locker room and not being a wrestler per se. That experience that he writes about with his main character is very similar to stuff that I've seen. It sort of spoke to me, and I think that's one of the reasons that Mike is so popular with the actual wrestlers of the scene. They see a lot of their lives in what Mike is writing about.
Who else in wrestling is a secret comic book geek?
I don't think there's a lot of secrets anymore. You look at guys like Big E in WWE, he's a big Marvel fan. Samoa Joe is a big Marvel fan as well. In Ring of Honor with me, I know Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are big fans. I don't think anybody is really secret about it anymore. At this point, especially with the emergence and the success of the movies, I don't think it's anything that anyone is trying to hide. They're just super matter of fact about it.
On that note, let's make some news, because out of this whole interview, what's most likely to get picked up by the 24 hour entertainment news cycle is this: what superhero or villain would you like to play if given the opportunity.
Oooh, interesting! If you had asked me that two years ago, I would have gone for Deadpool, but apparently Ryan Reynolds has got that locked down, so unfortunate timing for me. But in that vein, it would be pretty cool to be able to play Madcap, especially based off of the current storyline that Gerry Duggan is doing in the dead pool book. So I'm throwing my hat in the ring to play Madcap in Deadpool 3, because I'm sure it's not gonna come in time for Deadpool 2.
We'll make a separate article for that. "Christopher Daniels wants to play Madcap in Deadpool 3." So you have your own comic book too. How did you hook up with Art Baltazar and Franco?
Well, Frankie and myself met Art and Franco at San Diego Comic Con in 2011. I didn't realize they were wrestling fans. I had heard of their work at DC doing Superman Family Adventures and Tiny Titans and I thought their stuff was really cool. About a year later, they started their Kickstarter for their own publishing imprint, Aw Yeah Comics, and I helped support that. Because I helped support it, I got an opportunity to read the stuff that they did, the Aw Yeah Comics with characters of Action Cat and Adventure Bug and Awesome Bear. About a year or two later, I had an idea to write a comic with the idea of making a wrestling comic to be sold at the live events for us, because a lot of the merchandise at wrestling shows is aimed for that 18-34 wrestling fan, whether its wrestling t-shirts or wrestling DVDS, and I saw that there were a lot of kids around that weren't really getting anything that was sort of in their wheelhouse.
So Art and Franco, to me, they're like the Pixar of all ages comics, so I had the idea to write a story with their characters interacting with me and Frankie. I sent that story along to them completely unsolicited and asked if they were interested in doing a book with me. Luckily, they were 100% on board, so in 2014 we released Christopher Daniels and Kazarian Wrestle Aw Yeah Comics, which was the first book, and had a lot of success with that, a lot of good feedback from that. Right after that, I wrote the sequel, which is Aw Yeah Comics Team-Up, and the first issue of that we just released in February. We've been selling it online at and at live events for Ring of Honor and on the website I've just been really fortunate, man. No matter what happens in the rest of my life, I'll always be able to say that I wrote a comic book. You can't ask for a better pedigree of guys to work with than Art and Franco. I was just really fortunate that they were on board and I'm real happy and real proud of the end result.
Have you gotten a good response from, as you said, the kids at wrestling shows?
Absolutely. Yeah, I think one of the best things about it is, when we're at shows and we see these young kids walking up and we sell the book to them, they'll come up to us before the show is even over and say how much they enjoyed it. And the parents too, they're happy that they got something that's appropriate for their kids. Professional wrestling as a whole is trying to be a family friendly environment. So being able to get something for the kids their age was very cool. Part of the whole reason behind getting the book out was to give them something to enjoy and something to latch on to. Hopefully, that makes them not just wrestling fans but also fans of Art and Franco, so hopefully they'll go and seek out other things that Art and Franco have done.
You're doing the lord's work.
Exactly. Spreading the word.
What are the plans for future issues?
I wrote Aw Yeah Comics Team-Up as a two parter, so hopefully we'll have the second issue out pretty soon. But the truth of the matter is I've only written what I've been inspired to write. I tip my hat to guys like Bendis and all the guys who are doing a monthly book or even more than one monthly book because if you put a gun to my head and said "I need a monthly book every 30 days," I don't know what I'd do. I want to write different things. I have ideas. But getting the idea from my mind to the paper is the tough part right now. That's something I'm working on, and hopefully in the near future I'll be able to knock some more good ideas out and get 'em out. That's the goal. But right now, I don't have anything on path yet. We'll see what happens in the future.
I know you have another interview coming up so I'll try to wrap this up quickly, but I have one more question. I was looking at your Twitter, and I see this thing where people can pay you for a personal video message. What's that about?
Oh, yeah. A couple years ago, a company called Celebrity Video Messages came out, and Frankie and I were some of the first wrestlers who got involved with the company. Basically the idea is, for a small fee, you can get a personalized video message from us. We record it on our iPad and send it to you in the mail. So you go tot, and, not just wrestlers but a lot of different types of celebrities. Actors. Athletes. All sorts of stuff like that. So that's something that we do and something that we offer. It's pretty cool. Like I said, completely personalized. We've done birthday greetings, we've done wedding congratulations, things like that. I just recently did one for an aspiring pro wrestler who literally just wanted two minutes of advice, so I did that. So yeah, you can check it out if anyone's interested.
Ok. So, Ring of Honor, 15th Anniversary show, March 10. People can watch that on PPV, and they can get it from the Ring of Honor website. Any last words about that, or any other matches that you're excited about?
The main focus for me is gonna be my match, but of course the entire card is gonna be great. You've got the Young Bucks and Roppongi Vice wrestling [now a triple threat w/ The Hardys]. You've got Dalton Castle and Colt Cabana. You're gonna see different stars. The Motor City Machine Guns. War Machine. The Briscoe Brothers. So it's gonna be top to bottom a great event, but certainly, me wrestling for the world championship in the main event. That's definitely my focus, and hopefully that's what people pay to see.
I hope you win.
I hope so too man! It's gonna suck if I lose, that's for sure.
You can order Ring of Honor a5th Anniversary at or from your local cable provider, or see it in person if you're in the Las Vegas area. The event takes place at 6PM PST on Friday, March 7. You can see the full card here. Aw Yeah Comics Team-Up can be purchased at comiXology, autographed from, or wherever fine comics are sold.
