Diamond Comic Distributors has announced that it will be delaying many Marvel, Dark Horse, IDW and Kodansha titles published next week
Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: alias, amanda conner, brian bendis, Comics, entertainment, film, garth ennis, Jessica Jones, jimmy palmiotti, marvel, Michael Gaydos, netflix, the pro, tv
Does This Jessica Jones Teaser Remind You A Little Of The Pro?
Jessica Jones is the new Netflix show set in the Marvel Universe, and based on the comic book Alias by Brian Bendis and Michael Gaydos.
This is a released teaser scene….
Does it remind anyone of a certain scene in The Pro by Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti?
Beat for beat… it could have done with a "Cogsggr" at the end of Jessica Jones' scene though.
We're still wondering if Alias will began like the comic book did…
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