Posted in: Movies | Tagged: nora ephron, when harry met sally
Geek Girl On The Street Reports: Remembering Nora Ephron
Kate Kotler writes for Bleeding Cool;
I have a secret to share with you, Bleeding Cool – I, the embittered-cantankerous-snarky-ready to throw down online with whomever – am a closet romantic comedy junkie.
Please don't tell anyone, it would ruin what street-geek cred I haven't ruined for myself.
But there was a time when "rom com" didn't mean chick-flick schlock, and sadly that time seems to have drawn to a close yesterday: On what seemed like a regular Tuesday late in the month of June, the world lost one of the only writers to execute the genre of romantic comedy with intelligent wit and panache.
Ms. Nora Ephron succumbed to pneumonia caused by complications from leukemia and died at age 71.
Even the most basement bound of nerd will know something of Ms. Ephron's writing – when Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle are amongst her most noted works. But in the course of her career she was also an essayist, a journalist and a movie director. Most importantly, she was an inspiration to young women around the world, having succeeded as a writer in (what were then) predominantly male genres. Her work, which resonated for many in an idealistic realm, was proof positive that talent and guts know no gender. And that success for those who possess it really can happen. She is a touchstone to a generation of woman writers and her voice will be sorely missed.
Kate Kotler is the co-author of Bleeding Cool's geeky dating advice column, Keep Your Pants On and a freelance writer. You can read her personal musings on her website and follow her on Twitter @adorkablegrrl.