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Real Talk- Is Chris Evans Coming Back After 'Avengers 4'?
Chris Evans has let it be known that his true dream job is directing. He loves being Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, don't get him wrong, but he really wants to do more behind the camera.
We've known for awhile that his contract with Marvel Studios is up after next year's Avengers: 4, the direct followup to Avengers: Infinity War which opened in theaters last night. The question on everyone's mind recently has been if we'll be getting him back after 4.
In an interview with Variety way back in 2014, Evans spoke about what it is he wants to focus on next. Spoiler- it's directing:
"I've known for a while I wanted to direct. But (time) never really opens up. There's another movie to do, there's another acting job. It just got to a point where I was like, you know what — I have to do this."
He went on to say in that interview that he wants to retire from being in front of the camera to calling the shots behind it. "If I'm acting at all, it's going to be under Marvel contract, or I'm going to be directing. I can't see myself pursuing acting strictly outside of what I'm contractually obligated to do."
Chris does say that being a part of the MCU allowed him to pursue directing, which he calls his dream job. "Without these movies, I wouldn't be directing," he reckons. "They gave me enough overseas recognition to green-light a movie. And if I'm speaking extremely candidly, it's going to continue to do that for as long as the Marvel contract runs."
When asked earlier this week in another interview with Variety if Avengers: 4 will be the last time we see him as Steve Rogers he responded simply, "Tough to say."
"Part of you almost kind of thinks: Well, if we end on the right note… and I think it really kind of does. The scripts they have are really beautiful and really well written," he said, which of course could be taken either way.
Considering what co-star Sebastian Stan said about being 100% down for a Winter Soldier stand-alone, what if Evans directed that? Who better, and how great would that be? Sorry, just postulating out loud.
Anyhow, we'll let you know if we get any additional idea of what Evans' plans are post-Avengers: 4.