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Six Important Moments From The Flash – Welcome To Earth-2
This article contains spoilers for the latest episode of The Flash – Welcome to Earth-2.
Last night we took out first extended trip over to Earth-2 and found a lot of fun things. We also found some deadly things. And a ton of Easter eggs. The first part of the trip to another dimension has lived up to the hype. Paying a lot of fan-service while moving the story ahead… a smidge. So let's look at the important moments.
1 – The biggest things here may be the least to do with the story. First the images that fly by them as they travel to Earth-2. We see Melissa Benoist as Supergirl. We see John Wesley Shipp as The Flash. We see Jonah Hex and a Legion of Super-Heroes flight ring. Oh, and we see Green Arrow who is not Oliver Queen. Then later when Barry calls his mom, she references Atlantis and if you look on the phone, there are buttons for Hal, Bruce and Diana. Now if they just had an image of Batman '66 running with a bomb or Superman fighting Zod in Metropolis then everything would be connected.
2 – You take the good with the bad. On Earth-2 Caitlin Snow is Killer Frost and Ronnie Raymond is Deathstorm with Martin Stein buried somewhere deep down. They are evil and work for Zoom. But hey, here they get to be together… for a while. Not something the Earth-1 versions really got after the particle accelerator exploded. So this will make a portion of the fanbase happy that wanted them together.
3 – For me the weakest part of the episode were the awkward scenes between Barry Allen and the Earth-2 versions of the people he knows. But that is also one of the coolest things. Joe West is a jazz singer. Iris West is a detective. Floyd Lawton, who I wasn't aware Barry knew, is a cop with a horrible aim. There are nice little moments with each character and it was cool to see a version of Deadshot again before the world thinks of him as Will Smith.
4 – When Geomancer appears on Earth-1 calling out the Flash, it's Jay Garrick (with a push from Joe and Caitlin) who answers the call. But the important thing we learn is that Velocity serums were Jay's inventions and that is truly how he lost his powers. But now Caitlin is working with him and they have already improved Velocity 6 to Velocity 7 and are beginning to work on Velocity 8. In the comics, there is Velocity 9 which does the same thing so there is probably a little more experimentation before Jay gets his speed back. But he really needs to focus on getting the speed cannon fixed so Barry and Cisco can come home.
5 – The best kept secret of the episode was the appearance of the Cisco Ramon of Earth-2 who calls himself Reverb. That Cisco believes that he and Vibe could take over and beat Zoom. Which of course doesn't end well for him. But it opens up Earth-1's Cisco to the extent of his powers as well as gives him access to Reverb's tech that works there when Vibe's tech didn't. How long before we start seeing Cisco using the vibration powers as an offensive weapon?
6 – The episode ends with Barry waking up in a glass cell. There are two other cells, one holds Jesse Wells while the other has a man in an iron mask. Barry keeps his optimism telling Jesse that they will get her free but Zoom shows up immediately to tell Barry he's never getting out. But the key here is the guy in the iron mask. Who is he? I have a feeling that his identity is going to be a very important factor to the rest of the episode and maybe the rest of the season.
Next week should concluded the trip to Earth-2 but I can't see it wrapping up the battle with Zoom. It feels like we'll have some kind of success here as everything else they've tried to do against Zoom has failed, they need some hope. And I really want to know who the guy in the mask was.