Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: barry allen, cw, entertainment, Harrison Wells, mark hamill, television, The Flash, trickster
The Six Important Moments From The Flash – Tricksters
*** The following article contains Spoilers for the most recent episode of The Flash ***
Its starting to feel like every episode of The Flash is a season finale. For most shows, what we've seen over the last few weeks would have been. But here it's just another episode. Tonight's featured Mark Hamill reprising his role as The Trickster, a part he played back in 1990 while John Wesley Shipp was the Scarlet Speedster. Now we get to see him interact with the new Barry Allen and Shipp's character of Henry Allen. But there was oh so much more in tonight's episode.
1) The first important moment takes place in the flashbacks as we see The Flash and Reverse-Flash fighting each other throughout the Allen house and around Barry Allen and his mom. We've seen this in the pilot and quite often since, but this time we see what happens as Reverse-Flash runs off and discovers that he has been drained of his speed and his connection to the Speed-Force. He finds this out from Gideon and when he removes his mask we see that it's Eobard Thawne and he looks nothing like Harrison Wells.
2) We also see Joe West and Barry talking about Wells and how they can catch him. Barry wants to just take him in for questioning but Joe points out that Wells has been very patient and they would need to be to catch him. But this leads to Barry being "cranky" and having a hard time playing nice with Wells. The tension between the two is high and it becomes a problem later on when Wells makes a suggestion, that the Trickster is tricking them, and Barry ignores him and it puts Henry Allen in danger.
3) I love that they brought Mark Hamill back to play the original Trickster and the ploy of using his son as the new Trickster. Hamill brings such a great insanity to the character, unlike any other rogue. But the key moment and the reason they had to bring back James Jesse was the bomb on the wrist. How insane is it for a villain to use a Keanu Reeves movie reference as a weapon? And what better movie to reference than Speed? But the key here is the moment where Wells teaches/talks Barry the trick of vibrating through solid objects. It's an important ability for the character, but it's also the final piece of evidence that convinces Barry that Wells is the Reverse-Flash.
4) I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, were surprised when the mask came off and it was Matt Letscher under the mask and not Tom Cavanagh. But then we got to see just how Eobard Thawne became Harrison Wells. Thawne caused the car accident, killing Tess Morgan and what appears to be killing the actual Wells and taking over his identity and look. But what exactly was that transfer, did it transfer Wells knowledge and memories? We saw what happened but we have even more questions than before.
5) This may be more of a nice moment than an important one, but for Barry to get a chance to save his father and for his father to get a chance to see The Flash in action was important for the two characters. This is Barry's new life and part of why he is doing it is to find a way to free his dad. It's what makes Barry a hero and not a vigilante… he's not seeing revenge for his mom, he is seeking justice and to clear his father's name. And it was nice to see Henry get to meet Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon… but the moment of Henry and Wells shaking hands is one of those moments you want to scream at the TV.
6) What seemed to be a backstory, Iris West looking for her co-worker Mason Bridge, ended up leading to a huge moment. Iris first turns to Eddie for help, which he offers to do once the Trickster is caught. She then turns to her friend The Flash… which is kind of weird since the last time she spoke she told him to stay away. But since Barry and Joe are convinced that Wells is behind Bridge's disappeance, they want Iris as far away from it as possible. Which leads them to revealing Barry's secret to Eddie. I'm not sure why that was the needed conclusion as one of them could have lied to Iris as Eddie did… but now that he knows, they may be setting up the Hunter Zoloman aspect of the Reverse-Flash for a later date.
BONUS) Okay, not really an important moment, but there was one more tribute to the old Flash television series and that was Mayor Tony Bellows played by Vito D'Ambrosio, who played Officer Tony Bellows on the series back in 1990.
With that the CW released two videos. Once specifically looking at Harrison Wells. Most of the footage is from already aired episodes but a few scenes are new. The second video shows what is coming up in the rest of the season on The Flash including guest appearances by Ray Palmer, Felicity Smoak, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance and Oliver Queen in a very different Arrow costume.