Posted in: Joker, Movies, Warner Bros | Tagged: Joaquin Phoenix, joker, todd phillips, Warner Bros
**UPDATED** "Joker": Todd Phillips in Talks for Sequel, Expand Into DC Origins Stories
UPDATE: Sources over at Deadline are now reporting that this original story is false and that the meeting mentioned never happened. We will continue to update as we learn more.
Joker director Todd Phillips is in discussions with Warner Bros to develop a sequel to the film, which crossed $1 billion recently. If confirmed, screenwriter Scott Silver will also return, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
The studio has sequel options with Joker star Joaquin Phoneix, which many call an Oscar-worthy performance. The film is the fourth DC film to breach the $1 billion mark after 2018's Aquaman ($1.15 billion), 2012's The Dark Knight Rises ($1.08 billion) and 2008's The Dark Knight ($1 billion). Joker cost significantly less to make at $60 million compared to the other films.
Joker's Impact
The film's early controversy only fueled interest in the R-rated film. While initial concerns stemmed that the character may inspire more mass shootings domestically, the character's become the 21st-century version of Guy Fawkes as a revolutionary among protests globally.
Phillips will earn close to $100 million due to the film's success. The film purposely left loose ends with Arthur Fleck (Phoenix) as the potential half-brother to young Bruce Wayne (Dante Pereira-Olson). The director won't likely expand on Wayne's origins with the Matt Reeves' film The Batman currently in production. Other members of the Justice League is not likely with Patty Jenkins's involvement with Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Andy Muschietti's with The Flash (Ezra Miller). This does leave Cyborg (Ray Fisher) for a possible solo film.
Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks — the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker.
THR speculates Phillips may explore doing another villain origin story like Lex Luthor or Darkseid. Where do you see Phillips going with the Joker sequel? What other DC characters do you think Phillips should take?
The film stars Phoenix, Robert DeNiro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, and Brett Cullen.
Joker is currently in theaters.