A monthly subscription based gift box that will contain only exclusive Marvel related items.
The first box will be based on Avengers: Age of Ultron and will include a Collectors Corps.-exclusive 6-inch Hulkbuster Iron Man Funko Pop! vinyl figure, a t-shirt featuring one of four designs, another vinyl figured, and two premium accessories[...]
avengers: age of ultron Archives
This is that ad.
Which is all fine and dandy until the Hot Topic head office/Marvel gets in a tizzy, as it appears that this ad has a serious spoiler for the upcoming Avengers: Age Of Ultron movie First, retailers are told to hold the comic until May 1st, then to destroy them.
Empire Magazine has released their covers that will feature Avengers: Age Of Ultron The first shot is a nice group of the heroes while the second gives the spotlight to the villain These issues will be on stands January 29th.
Empire Magazine has released their covers that will feature Avengers: Age Of Ultron[...]
Here is the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer showing during the National Championship Game tonight The big questions I see from this trailer is 1) Who is the woman dropping her cloak in the cave and 2) How does Bruce Banner know that Ultron is called Ultron?
Avengers: Age of Ultron is in theaters May[...]
The movies included are: Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star War: The Force Awakens, Man From U.N.C.L.E., Tomorrowland, Jurassic World, Mad Max: Fury Road, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Crimson Peak and Terminator Genisys.
Not sure I would call this the geekiest movie year ever… but the photos are cool.
Her film Lucy made $394 Million and she has Avengers: Age Of Ultron coming up in May.
[Source: Variety]
Marvel may not have a Black Widow movie in the works, but after the success of Lucy, Dreamworks is ready to give Scarlett Johansson the lead in their upcoming adaptation of Ghost In The Shell… and the[...]
The images of the figure that were released a few weeks back gave us our first really good look at the armor from the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron movie that is still four months away The figure also comes with part of a destroyed Ultron Mark I as part of the base The figure[...]
Ultron is of course the big bad in Avengers: Age of Ultron and will be played by the Blacklist's James Spader. A few days earlier and this would have been my Christmas card.
Avengers: Age of Ultron opens in theaters May 1st.
Marvel has released a new image of Ultron It looks like the moment in the[...]
Thanks to Hot Toys and their Facebook page, we have a good look at the new Iron Man armor from the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron film The Mark XLIII looks similar in some ways to the armor from Iron Man 3, but it brings in more of the red and touches of silver I[...]
but Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the series will tie into Avengers: Age of Ultron This shouldn't come as to much of a surprise as the television series was turned upside down after the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but just how much of a connection the show will have remains to be[...]
Tomorrow is the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray and included on the disc is this clip from Avengers: Age of Ultron that was tweeted out today The clip is of Joss Whedon talking about the new film and scenes that include Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.
An exclusive clip from the #AgeofUltron set![...]
The official Avengers: Age Of Ultron website has launched and at the moment, it just has the trailer, a synopsis and some downloadable wallpaper in multiple formats.
Over the next few months as we approach the movies premiere I'm sure more items will be added to the website So it might be worth bookmarking now.
The synopsis[...]
But, Kids React To Avengers: Age Of Ultron shows the upcoming movie audience and what is already interesting them But the fact that the one kid regularly reads manga while another read a Thor comic once while the rest haven't read any is kind of a stark reminder that the movie success does not translate[...]
This behind the scenes video for the Avengers: Age of Ultron appeared on a Facebook page post for a user named Tony Stark Sincero It talks about the locations, powers and more that we will see in the upcoming film.
Post by Tony Stark Sincero.
Update – there was a second trailer for the film released[...]
A federal judge has approved Disney / Marvel's request for a subpoena against Google to investigate how and who leaked the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer on October 22nd.
The subpoena, issued November 5th, orders Google to bring all identifying information for the user "John Gazelle" to court November 18th in San Francisco The subpoena fell[...]
From the Marvel 75 Years From Pulp To Pop, as aired last night on ABC, a few clips of upcoming feature films, TV series and cartoons, being filmed and appearing on the screen, from Ant-Man, Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Guardians Of The Galaxy and Agent Carter, though the big scenes from Agent Carter are over here.
paper The Telegraph when he let slip that he and fellow actor Tom Hiddleston (Loki) had been in a scene with Chris Hemsworth (Thor) in the new Avengers: Age of Ultron film.
"Ironically, yesterday I had to…" Elba chuckles He's not meant to talk about this, but he clearly enjoys doing things he's not meant to[...]
Stark, characteristically, is looking for scientific angles regarding Thor's fingerprints enabling access.
Here's a somewhat blurry recording of what we saw tonight on October 28th after Agents of SHIELD:
This scene is enough to suggest very strongly that the trademark humor and interaction that made the first Avengers film such a success is going to reappear, even[...]
As we all know the original plan was for Marvel to debut the trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron tomorrow night after Marvel's Agents of SHIELD The idea being to give their television offshoot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe a nice ratings bump That all went to hell as the trailer was leaked on-line Marvel[...]
Unfortunately me and Len Kaminski didn't manage to get a New Character agreement on this one…
New Character agreements were deals done by Marvel with certain creators over certain characters or designs since people started leaving for creator-owned projects, that ensured that the creators would get compensation for future use of a character or design.
In the[...]
For a couple of hours, everyone who posted the leaked international version of the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer online, from Youtube clips to personal blogs to major sites, got e-mails from Disney ordering a takedown Then Marvel swept the table clean and released the trailer early.
And now we can watch the rather pristine version[...]
At the NYCC, Hasbro has unveiled the first few toys for the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron movie This is a pretty good look at Captain America's Avengers uniform and the Hulk's new purple pants.
(Ages: 4 & up /Approx Retail Price: $19.99/Available: Spring 2015)
Kids and fans[...]
But now with Avengers: Age of Ultron they are able to do the things they wanted with Hawkeye.
Renner was also asked if he wanted Hawkeye to get a solo movie… which the actor isn't pushing for He sees the character as a utility guy and good in an ensemble like in the Avengers and Captain[...]
The actor wrapped up the first season of his hit series The Black List, hopped on a plane and flew over to film Avengers: Age of Ultron where he got to play the eight-foot tall titular robotic villain, then flew out to go to Comic-Con before heading back to start the second season of The[...]
Marvel and Disney have released the official synopsis for Avengers: Age of Ultron None of this new, but it is now official and verifies things we believed like Ultron is a creation of Tony Stark's, etc The last line is kind of strange though… I get the uneasy alliances which likely involves Wanda and Pietro,[...]
We have the first good look at the Vision from the upcoming Avengers: Age Of Ultron with this tweet The Vision is of course being played by the voice of Jarvis, Paul Bettany.
Primera imagen promocional de THE VISION #avengers #ageofultron #marvel #marvelstudios pic.twitter.com/ljWdY1JkOn
— Sam Medina (@p3ricomedina) September 6, 2014
Okay, this is barely a spoiler for Avengers: Age of Ultron… but just in case, let me bust out my new Avengers Spoiler graphic before saying it.
Okay So besides Agent Phil Coulson, the other guy that keeps showing up in the Marvel movies is of course Dr Erik Selvig played by Stellan Skarsgard[...]
In an interview with IGN, Josh Brolin talked about what got him to take the role of the Mad Titan and even having done other comic based movies (Jonah
Joss Whedon took to twitter yesterday to tell the world Avengers: Age Of Ultron has wrapped This leave just shy of 9 months for post-production to make the May 1st, 2015 release date.
— Joss Whedon (@josswhedon) August 6, 2014
My crew No: the crew I got to be a part of[...]
Here is the Marvel official videos for the Avengers: Age Of Ultron cast getting together at the San Diego Comic Con Hosted by the Nerdist himself, Chris Hardwick.
Here is the Marvel official videos for the Avengers: Age Of Ultron cast getting together at the San Diego Comic Con[...]