USA Network's Jason Bourne franchise spinoff series Treadstone has recruited its final five, with the upcoming action-thriller adding Omar Metwally (The Affair), Tracy Ifeachor (Quantico), Hyo Joo Han (W: Two Worlds), Gabrielle Scharnitzky (The Game), and Emilia Schüle (Berlin Station). The new cast members join previously-announced leads Jeremy Irvine (Mamma Mia 2) and Brian J[...]
Berlin Station Archives
Television is the perfect medium for the novel, and Steve Golin and Nicole Clemens at Anonymous Content are the perfect partners."
Anonymous Content and Paramount TV have been on a production "hot streak" as of late, with Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and the upcoming Maniac; Epix's Berlin Station; TNT's adaptation of The Alienist; and a six-part[...]