The animated series Captain Planet and the Planeteers, created by Barbara Pyle and Ted Turner, premiered in 1990 and quickly became a beloved staple of environmentalist storytelling The show followed a group of teenagers (known as the Planeteers) who were granted elemental powers by Gaia, the spirit of the Earth When the threats to the[...]
captain planet Archives
Eco-friendly fun has arrived as Iron Studios has unveiled its latest heroic statue with Captain Planet! Captain Planet and the Planeteers was an American animated series that hit TV screens back in 1990 It was created by Ted Turner and Barbara Pyle The show was quite different compared to other cartoons on the screen as[...]
I mentioned Thundarr the Barbarian before, but they are also signing up Ben 10, Captain Planet, The Herculoids, Dynomutt & Blue Falcon, with Tom Sniegoski on The Herculoids.
Tom Sniegoski, of Vampirella, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hellboy, Bone, Star Trek, Punisher, and more says "I know this is gonna sound stupid, but ever since I was[...]
We're getting a Captain Planet movie — because of course we are Nailing that kind of tone that's going to work for this movie is going to be tough, but screenwriter Glen Powell told The Hollywood Reporter that he's looking forward to doing something different with the hero.
"I mean they've tried to make it into[...]
A Captain Planet movie has been in the works for years, but it has never gotten too far into development Sony once held the rights, but the project never got it off the ground and they lapsed.
It seems that their loss could be Leonardo DiCaprio's gain though, as THR are reporting that his production company,[...]