Comics Archives

Iron Cobra Vs. The PCP Army
It was in schools, on television, in movies, comics, Arcade games, on candy wrappers It was everywhere The reason why I am so compelled to bring this project to life is because I have not seen this before and I know that it needs to exist If I don't do it, someone else will It's[...]
Highlights From Frank Tieri's Reddit AMA
Frank Tieri did a r/comicbooks AMA Friday to talk about his current and upcoming projects and we've got some of the highlights for you. What's the best advice you can give for someone trying to break into the industry? It seems like endless hurdles, im trying to make my own comics and im always told its[...]
Tom Hodges Draws Captain America
Tom Hodges is probably best known for his Star Wars related work, but while at Wondercon 2014, Evan Burse got Hodges to draw Captain America for him and
Support The Cinematic Graphic Novel, Treta-Yuga
Please post in the BC forums so that you can reap the rewards of this these beautiful comics! Benton Rooks writes, Do Qigong, glitch magic, lore hunting, and occult prophecy have anything to do with one another? Of course not, which is why it they are all interconnected subjects in the Realm of Vekt and the[...]
Dave Sim Wants A Woman
But it is absolutely accurate. Dave Sim, creator of one of the greatest comic book works to date, Cerebus, As found himself getting involved with a film adaptation of the comic, despite his best efforts. Oliver Simonsen has been, slowly, directing an animated movie based on the original Cerebus comics, with specific issues in mind.  the film is[...]
The Phantom Wants A Woman
The Swedish comic book Fantomen starring Lee Falk's "The Phantom" has been published continuously since 1950, producing origial comic book work since the seventies. Their comics have been reprinted in the rest of Scandinavia as well as in Australia, where the Phantom still enjoys a huge following. Through the years they have used American creators like Sal[...]
2 More Red Sonja Cover Contest Entries
This is just a sampling of the entries they have been receiving. This is my entry for the #redsonjacontest I'm I'm ecstatic to see so many other amazing entries that I'm going up against, wish me luck on winning and vote for me by liking this;)!!! Scott Irwin "I warrant that I am the author[...]
Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest To Try Interactive Programming
Instead of trying to explain to you what is going on, I'm going to use Shawn's letter because he does such a great job. I don't know if you had heard, but Phoenix Comicon is expanding to include a winter show that they are calling Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest.  The convention will be held at the[...]