The Beast Inside, a female-driven demonic possession horror movie written by lead actress Sadie Katz, is now out on Video on Demand
dark sky films Archives
The Becomers is an indie low-budget SciFi dark comedy about body snatching aliens who arrive in at a really bad time in America: the present
The film has been picked up by Dark Sky Films for a theatrical release early in 2024, according to a new report from THR "We're very happy to be partnering with the team at Dark Sky, who know and love the power of genre cinema like we do," said the Bloomquist Brothers "As the chaos[...]
1BR looks like a fun horror/thriller from Dark Sky Films In it, a woman leaves her troubled past behind for the bright lights of Hollywood She finds an apartment, and then things start to take a turn for the worse Dark Sky fare is usually pretty ok Dead Girl, House of the Devil, The Innkeepers,[...]
We didn't even know Victor Crowley was coming, and now we have a ton of dates for the theatrical roadshow! Come see if your city is listed!