DC Collectibles and Sideshow have announced a new partnership that will see DC Comics figures, statues, and prop replicas sold through Sideshow's own store.
dceu Archives
It's been a few days since we last posted an update on the Snyder Cut of Justice League, a mythical version of the beleaguered movie which features director Zack Snyder's Vision in its purest, unaltered form, so we understand that many Snyderbronies — the colloquial term for hardcore DCEU fans — might be worried that[...]
Him: Zack Snyder, progenitor of Zack Snyder's Vision, the holy guiding light of the DCEU that was snuffed out by alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon at the urging of scheming Warner Bros execs more interested in their bonuses than in fulfilling the promise of the trilogy that began with Man of Steel and continued through Batman[...]
A lot has been said about how the DCEU could be saved if only Warner Bros would release the Snyder Cut of Justice League, a mythical version of the poorly performing film that restores the purity of Zack Snyder's Vision to its rightful place of prominence However, according to Scottish comics mogul Mark Millar, there's[...]
is planning to release the Snyder Cut of Justice League, a version of the film that contains Zack Snyder's Vision in its pure an unadulterated form, his holiness himself has "liked" a tweet applauding alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon's departure from the DCEU In addition, Snyder's friend and DC photographer Clay Enos liked the same post,[...]
Instead, allegedly at the behest of Warner Bros., Whedon acted as an assassin, reportedly cutting 50 minutes of runtime from the Snyder Cut and replacing all of Snyder's best shots with scenes of Cyborg saying "booyah."
Eventually, Justice League was released to theaters, but the film was nothing like DCEU fans were led to expect, with Snyder's[...]
Now, it seems, Twitter has been officially accepted as a means of applying for jobs on major superhero projects.
Following the news of alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon's departure from Batgirl, which he was expected to write and direct, novelist and writer of secret superhero projects Roxane Gay tweeted:
Warner Bros vice president Michelle Wells received the application[...]
The crusade to convince Warner Bros to release the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League has just gained a prominent ally, one who is strong in the force! That's right, Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill, has expressed admiration for deposed DCEU architect Zack Snyder, naming Snyder's earliest DC movie his "favorite watch." Asked the question[...]
Snyder, the original director of Justice League and architect of the DCEU, left the movie before filming was done due a personal tragedy and was replaced by alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon, who executed Warner Bros' directive to remove all traces of Snyder's vision from the movie and replace them with scenes of Cyborg saying[...]
A man we all know and love has thrown his hat into the ring for contention to star as The Joker in the upcoming standalone film directed by Todd Phillips.
Because you demanded it, Warner Bros. is apparently moving forward with a Lobo movie directed by Hollywood's Main Man, Michael Bay.
Scientists have found more than 60,000 ancient Mayan structures hidden in the jungles of Guatemala. However, the status of one prized artifact, a symbol of hope that could change the course of cinematic history, remains unknown: the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League.
and DCEU fans who demand a Zack Snyder Cut of Justice League With the home video release of Justice League on the horizon, Snyder Cut aficionados, known by the colloquial nickname Snyderbronies, were looking to a special feature promising deleted scenes centered on Superman for hope that a Snyder Cut might still be possible, and that[...]
The Justice League version of Superman is finally coming from Hot Toys, and boy, does he look great. Sadly, he won't be out before the end of the year.
ForSnyderCut.org, the website dedicated to demanding a Zack Snyder cut of Justice League, has finally launched — and it's actually pretty impressive.
Sue Kroll, the former head of marketing at Warner Bros who stepped down this week amid a shakeup in the wake of the box office failure of Justice League
The hunt to find a Batgirl for the eponymous upcoming film can finally come to an end! Superstar actress Lindsay Lohan has thrown her name into the ring,
And in a move that would make the president proud, Itzmoe smashed the Fake News media for blowing the whole thing out of proportion, noting that the intention was only ever to take a photo:
Oh my gosh, look at this loud, crazy protest! Yeah, lame YouTubers & media reporting misinformation, we were just going 2[...]
With one year past since the historic Women's March took the world by storm in the wake of Donald Trump's inauguration, putting Trump's crowd size to shame, another group of impassioned citizens is set to take to the streets to protest another great atrocity: the ruining of Justice League with alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon's[...]
Further, while Hamada has met with success at New Line pictures on films like The Conjuring and It, Johns knows that Twitter is an exceptionally volatile place for anyone involved with the DCEU, which is at the heart of a culture war between rabid fans and equally rabid haters.
Hamada has literally no experience dealing with[...]
reportedly sees as a mishandling of the DCEU When Berg stepped down in December, Warner Bros was reportedly frustrated with Berg and Johns's insistence on repeatedly bringing back Zack Snyder despite the polarizing reception of his movies The studio also felt that each DCEU movie seemed to be less successful than the previous one (except[...]
She's very, very proud… She's already asked me if she can take over when I'm older."
Gadot was 28 when she was first cast as Wonder Woman in the DCEU, so 6-year-old Alma still has a few years before she can take over the part By our calculations, the earliest Alma can be reasonably cast as[...]
A lot of people have strong opinions on the success of Ben Affleck as Batman in Batman v. Superman and Justice League, but the actor who played Batman
and alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon for sullying Snyder's pristine vision for the end of his DCEU movie trilogy Snyder left the production before it was finished due to a family tragedy, and Whedon was brought in to finish the movie, supposedly while staying true to Snyder's ideas However, reports later revealed that Warner Bros[...]
Garcia has been an outspoken critic of critics when it comes to DCEU films, blasting them when critics panned Garcia's beloved Justice League movie in November For some believers in a wild conspiracy theory, there's a connection between the controversies surrounding Justice League and The Last Jedi, a battle for the soul of cinema between[...]
In addition, the Rotten Tomatoes scores for The Last Jedi and Justice League are like mirror images, with critics panning Justice League while audiences generally liked it, and those same critics giving The Last Jedi a 93% positive score while audiences rated it negatively.
To many fans of the DCEU, critics' negativity about the movie helped[...]
The saga of what ruined Justice League and who's at fault continues! One of the biggest complaints about the movie is that Warner Bros and alleged fake
Warner Bros. Crosses $2 Billion at the Box Office, but with Zack Snyder Cut, Could It Be $3 Billion?
has broken a record this year — and no, we're not just talking about lowest opening weekend ever for a DCEU film with Justice League The Bros have become the first major studio to cross the threshold of $2 billion at the domestic box office, according to a report from Deadline That comes despite Justice[...]
is pissed off at Berg and Johns for screwing up the DCEU "Going forward, his contributions to the films may evolve, and could be more advisory in nature," Variety says of Johns's role, also implying that he may not get producer credits on future films Johns and Berg were both "intimately" involved in the production[...]
Following the release of Justice League, its dismal box office performance, its critical panning, and its failure to make a profit for Warner Bros., the DCEU fan community has been besieged by divisiveness Some fans blamed Warner Bros for ruining the vision of Zack Snyder by cutting out all his best scenes Others blamed alleged[...]