that would be one serious tragedy, wouldn't it?
and as per his followers… if he'd said it was an awesome cover instead, they probably would have mindlessly followed him and raved how awesome it was… these folks really need to realize that there are far more important things in life.
i promise this will no way deter[...]
Detroit Fanfare Archives
It's a tradition (live-meme?) that was started at Detroit Fanfare by artist and friend Tony Miello (more on him later) and now it's just the way things are, y'know?
But to get that kind of greeting while walking down the street in Yellow Springs, Ohio, before I was even scheduled to appear? REALLY?
I turned around to[...]
So I just didn't.
Detroit Fanfare Comic Con has decided to make their policy rather public.
The primary concerns of the promoters, staff, and volunteers of Detroit Fanfare Comic Con is the safety, security, and enjoyment of all patrons, guests, and vendors present If you feel you have been the victim of any form of harassment (sexual[...]