Disgaea 7 Archives

NIS Officially Announces Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless
NIS America has dropped a new trailer for Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless, giving you a better look at the game's features to come The team behind this one has slowly been revealing different aspects of the game to show how it feels like a Disgaea title but also it's own thing This trailer[...]
NIS Officially Announces Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless
NIS America has confirmed the official release date for Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless this morning, presented in the form of a new trailer for the game.  The team revealed a new story trailer today, showing off the primary storyline as you will attempt to challenge the tyrannical Demmodore Opener and his Demonic Magistrates[...]
NIS Officially Announces Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless
NIS America has released a new trailer this week for Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless, as we get a better look at the characters in the game Along with some familiar faces you might remember from the series, you're getting a better look at the way they've been drawn up for this latest entry[...]
NIS Officially Announces Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless
During the company's 30th Anniversary livestream today, NIS revealed Disgaea 7: Vows Of The Virtueless will be released sometime in Fall 2023 The promotion for this pulls zero punches as this will be a massive continuation of the series, as you will be following Fuji and Pirilika once more on a journey of perilous adventure[...]