The latest patch for EA DICE's Star Wars: Battlefront II is live with some big changes, including a new game mode, arcade maps, and three new Hero appearances.
The full patch notes were posted today and detail the new features as well as bug fixes, and hero and villain gameplay balances.
Jetpack Cargo is the new mode that will have players[...]
ea dice Archives
No online game is impervious to cheaters, and while Battlefield 1 hasn't had problems on quite the same scale as say PUBG, they still have to clean out cheaters from time to time to keep the fight fair. And it's even had some positive results, as the game has seen cheating reduce since last year.
In the latest post on the Battlefield 1 blog, EA teases more information on the upcoming expansion for Battlefield 1, Apocalypse.
EA DICE have just released the patch notes for Star Wars Battlefront II Patch 1.03, which they say covers issues they found as they wrapped up development Why they're just getting those patched now is obvious EA DICE have had much larger problems on their hands That said, the fixes in 1.03 are pretty darn necessary.
EA has again responded to the concerns of Battlefront II beta testers who were worried about the game's microtransactions.
Battlefield 1's Turning Tides expansion will bring four new maps, a new game mode, and more to EA's World War I shooter. All of the Turning Tides content
EA has addressed feedback from the Star Wars: Battlefront II beta, including issues around loot crates which were of much concern to players.
The Star Wars: Battlefront II beta has been extended for all players across all platforms, and will now run until Thursday at 3 AM EDT.
Nielsen, the ratings and survey folks, have put out their list of most anticipated holiday games today, and the results should not shock you.
During today's quarterly investor's call, EA teased an upcoming eSports mode to come to Battlefield 1, with more details being released at Gamescom.
No word on Rebels yet.
Confirmed characters so far are Luke, Darth Maul, Yoda, Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren.
There will be classes in the game, though which ones and how the function are unkown.
Of those troopers you start as – those include the resistance fighters, Imperial officers, First Order stormtroopers, and battle droids.
EA DICE confirmed to IGN that there will not[...]
During EA's E3-adjacent event, EA Play, we got a chance to watch the Assault on Theed mission from Star Wars: Battelfront II. And it was glorious.
EA DICE has announced the next update to Battlefield 1, In The Name of the Tsar which will bring 8 more maps, more battle experiences, new game modes to the biggest front in WWI.
Players will be able to get their hands on the new expansion live at EA Play this year, or take a look at on[...]
EA announced today that Star Wars Battlefront II will be getting a multiplayer beta sometime this fall, those who pre-order the game will get early access.
Arrow's Paul Blackthorne has been confirmed as a member of the Empire's Inferno Squad in EA DICE's upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront II Blacktorne will be playing a character named Gideon Hask in the squad, as he confirmed to a fan on Twitter His tweet was then picked up by the official EA Star Wars account, making the confirmation[...]
No word on Rebels yet.
Confirmed characters so far are Luke, Darth Maul, Yoda, Rey, and Kylo Ren.
There will be classes in the game, though which ones and how the function are unkown.
Of those troopers you start as – those include the resistance fighters, Imperial officers, First Order stormtroopers, and battle droids.
EA DICE confirmed to IGN that[...]
And it looks pretty damn sweet.
And if EA DICE have managed to learn anything from player's reactions to the first Battlefront, we're in for a good time. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Star Wars Battlefront II: Full Length Reveal Trailer (
Star Wars Battlefront II hasn't even had it's official reveal yet, but after the trailer leaked two days ago, well. People's reactions were mostly