— Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) December 29, 2019
Larsen elaborates on his complaints about the image, going so far as to suggest that the texture applied to the water should warrant the colorist being "taken out back behind the barn and killed with a shovel." Tough, but fair.
The moment the colorist decided to add a grain filter[...]
erik larsen Archives
But Erik Larsen has his own anniversary coming up – and that's of a comic book he has written and drawn every issue of (including going back to redo the issue that Jim Lee drew) whereas Todd McFarlane is considering it a big thing to be drawing five pages of #301…
Savage Dragon #246 is out[...]
Unless you've been living under a rock, and that rock does not get mobile internet service so that you can read Bleeding Cool, then you are probably well aware by now of the ongoing saga of Andrew Rev's Terrific Production LLC, the new publisher which purchased the rights to Youngblood, to the chagrin of creator[...]
Since then, Rev has been working to recruit comic book writers and artists to Terrific Production with a series of increasingly bizarre and outrageous tweets.
Now, Terrific has found itself in a war of words with award-winning novelist, comic book writer, and podcast host Brian Keene, though this feud itself spun out of one between Terrific[...]
However, Image partner Erik Larsen took to Twitter to imply that Image Publisher Eric Stephenson is the partner Luna was referring to, and also to toss his own opinion into the mix, even though he noted this was the first time he's even heard of the book Larsen said that Luna "crying racism and taking[...]
In today's Savage Dragon #244, we get the return of the chicken-headed Powerhouse, heading up a superhero team, and being recruited by the TV people who have plagued – and funded – Malcolm Dragon's life to go head to head with Dragon in a PPV grudge match.
But before that can happen, there has to be[...]
A lot of cool swag was to be had legally for all at New York Comic Con this weekend, but according to Image founder Erik Larsen, at least one person walked away with a valuable piece of original comic book art that didn't belong to them Larsen took to Twitter to reveal that someone had[...]
Before the attack is over, one family member will fall… and one will be lost! Don't miss your chance to get in on the ground floor of the entire TMNT Image experience!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #1—Cover B: Erik Larsen—SPOTLIGHT
Gary Carlson (w) • Erik Larsen (a & c)
FC •[...]
Savage Dragon and his family are the potential subjects of a new reality television series. Also, there are Nazis to be punched, and Malcolm Dragon is happy to oblige.
Word came out recently that Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon was going to get a NSFW cover by artist Rafael Krás The issue, Savage Dragon #225, will be bagged and come with a paper cover that looks like this.
Well, Larsen has just posted a censored version of the cover which he called 'hilarious' The image below[...]
It's unknown what connection Image have with the mysterious Freemasons – are they longtime accomplices in a secret plot to support the new world order, or simply renting the lodge for the weekend? We don't know the answer, but it's worth noting that the Image Comics ongoing book scheduling process is nearly as arcane and secretive as[...]
Marvel Laments Lack Of Superstar Artists To Drive Sales, A Situation Some Say They Purposely Created
Sequential art is pretty much the entire point of comics, and lots of people surely recognize that and appreciate the talent of artists, right?
But there's another way to look at it, as noted by Image Founder Erik Larsen on Twitter:
Now that the plan has proven successful–now you bitch about it? You made that bed, Marvel, sleep[...]
With scenes and storylines closer in tone to Sex Criminals rather than classic Dragon.
In today's issue, Erik Larsen relishes in the content rating the comic now has.
So this issue of Savage Dragon, which sees the return of the original Angel to the Dragon's Earth, started innocently… but included what could be seen as a Basic[...]
Original Image founders Todd McFarlane, Jim Valentino, Erik Larsen, Sir Rob Liefeld, Marc Silvestri, and Whilce Portacio will reunite at Emerald City Comicon 2017, ostensibly to celebrate the company's milestone 25th anniversary in a panel moderated by Walking Dead mogul and Kentucky land baron Robert Kirkman Supposedly, the panel "will focus on the origin story of the[...]
Todd McFarlane, Jim Lee, Ser Robert Liefeld, Marc Silvestri, Erik Larsen, Whilce Portacio, and Jim Valentino left the books they were drawing at Marvel, created new characters that for the most part looked suspiciously similar to the ones they were drawing at Marvel, and ended up creating what is today the third largest comic book[...]
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the founding of Image Comics, the 25th issue of Joe Keatinge and Leila del Luca's Shutter will feature appearances by characters from Todd McFarlane's Spawn, Sir Robert Liefeld's Glory, Marc Silvestri's Witchblade, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, Jim Valentino's Shadowhawk, and Robert Kirkman's Invincible, according to a press release sent out by[...]
But Image founder and Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen has a more pragmatic approach to the impending Trump presidency: he's having him guest star in his comic.
On Facebook, Larsen posted:
Some fans suggested a few gruesome caricatures, but Larsen explained:
Trump won't have much an impact on the story, it seems, however:
Though Larsen might change his mind[...]
I think the photographer thought he was shooting a shitty '70s album cover.
— Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) March 1, 2016
As tweeted by the big man…
When Savage Dragon made the mass media for the first time…
@robertliefeld I have no idea I think the photographer thought he was shooting a shitty '70s album cover.
— Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen)[...]
It's one of the oldest comic arguments going. And today on Twitter it was between Tony S Daniel, Greg Capullo, Kurt Busiek, Jonathan Ross and others. Here
In later battles, both Angel and Glum died, something Dragon is able to prevent in another dimension.
Savage Dragon has recently pushed the expectations of the sexuality of the comic, specifically with Macolm Dragon's polyamorous life.
Well, this time Erik Larsen does it again. He takes that situation to it's logical conclusion, with issue #207 going there.
Because, in[...]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOA-aLWGxtw From the store where Free Comic Book Day began, with Flying Colors owner Joe Field and friends...
Telling the story of an invading alien-turned cop, it has spun off in wide directions, challenging and shocking, but also playing with the medium as creator Erik Larsen chooses His style changes with the season, as the comic turns from one thing into another Police procedural/alien invasion/superhero smash-em-up or the current sex comedy, starring his[...]
It's definitely much, much better than some comics that sell in far higher volumes, even if a particular issue or storyline doesn't hit the mark, but critical opinion sometimes has to give way to the sheer enormity of what's being created.
You see, Savage Dragon is more than just an average superhero comic book…
It's A Giant,[...]
— Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) February 25, 2015
NotJB: @ErikJLarsen As I recently quoted, JB dislikes the Legion of Super-Heroes for pranking Superboy in 1958 25 years is like yesterday.
— John Byrne Says… (@JohnByrneSays) February 25, 2015
@JohnByrneSays I can understand still thinking stories were crappy 60 years later but take the hit for your own career choices[...]
See you on the flip side and have a wonderful December!
Comic book creator and Image Comics co-founder Erik Larsen will be at Isotope Comics in San Francisco on Wednesday, December 10 from 4 to 7 PM to celebrate the 200th issue of Savage Dragon.
Culver City's The Comic Bug will host writer Mike Mignola, who will[...]
We were even more stoked when Mike was happy to have us produce the first new Madman figure in a few years!
Between Bill and I, we got even more artists on board to draw cards: Erik Larsen was the perfect choice for Stardust; Reilly Brown (an old friend and Brooklyn studio mate of mine) took[...]
Erik Larsen has been on twitter is teasing the upcoming Savage Dragon #200 which will be in stores 12/10/2014 Here are six of the pages from the book Getting to a 200th issue on an independent title is very impressive.
Erik Larsen has been on twitter is teasing the upcoming Savage[...]
Brian Goldberg writes from New York Comic Con for Bleeding Cool:
I recently started a sketch book. My previous collection of sketches were loose and all over the place. If you're a sketch collector of art done by professional comic artists, New York Comic Con is a great place to add to your collection. Artist Alley[...]
But then you look at Erik Larsen, a BIG name in the industry, and there were tumbleweeds Same went for Frank Cho, who was hidden off in the boonies A lot of the artists were thrown off into corners, or flat-out ignored Hell, I had some who were damn grateful that I was coming up[...]
Megaton Man creator Don Simpson has been posting most entertainingly on Facebook about that project that never happened, the 1963 Annual, that would have topped off the Image Comics series by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, Rick Veitch and more.
To heck with the 1963 Annual — I'm just going to draw the "In Pictopia" Annual —[...]