henchmaster Archives

Meet New Batman Villain, Henchmaster
Welcome, Gothamites to the new villain Henchmaster. Henchmaster in Joker War Zone As we said, Henchmaster is a bit of a kabuki sumo wrestler type, a big fellow with clown makeup, tattoos, face mask, big gloves and a wrestler's costume And in charge of the city's henchmen, whether for the Penguin, the Joker, the Riddler, whoever is[...]
DC Fandome Gives Us Our First Look At New Batman Villain, Henchmaster
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool scooped the news about a new Batman villain in the current James Tynion IV naming tradition to follow Punchline, Clkownhunter and Ghost-Master… we heard for the first time about Henchmaster. DC Fandome Gives Us Our First Look At New Batman Villain, Henchmaster And as part of the Joker War panel at DC Fandome with[...]
DC Comics 2021 Spoilers: Another Batvillain In The James Tynion IV Style
Welcome, Gothamites to the new villain Henchmaster. Henchmaster, I am told is a bit of a kabuki sumo wrestler type, a big fellow with clown makeup, tattoos, face mask, big gloves and a wrestler's costume And in charge of the city's henchmen, whether for the Penguin, the Joker, the Riddler, whoever is in need, he's the[...]