ian fleming Archives

James Bond 007: How Amazon Could Make a Great TV Series but Won’t
There is a way for Amazon to make a great James Bond 007 TV series for the Prime streaming service, but the studio almost certainly won't do it. The Answer? Adapt the Ian Fleming Novels Properly It was Quentin Tarantino who first brought up the idea when he wanted to adapt Casino Royale in its original post-war[...]
No Time to Die Latest Bond Trailer Reveals Key Characters, More Plot
No that marked the cinematic debut of Ian Fleming's British superspy initially played by Sean Connery to the most recent in No Time to Die (2021), the final of the Daniel Craig regime The documentary will include interviews mixed with the Bond archive material MGM previously worked with Ventureland and Eon on another project in[...]
No Time to Die Latest Bond Trailer Reveals Key Characters, More Plot
Ian Fleming created the character in the 1950s, just as the British Empire was on the wane Bond was the "blunt instrument of England." He was racist, sexist, misogynistic, and a rapist The movies watered down the racist part, and by the 1970s, the misogynist and rapist parts were erased entirely Bond became a symbol[...]
Ten Thoughts About James Bond: No Time To Die
This is why James Bond cannot be as racist, misogynistic, or rape-y as he is in the original Ian Fleming novels (or the Sean Connery movies) now Every Bond movie has reflected the trends and preoccupations of its era, including the funky affectations of the 1970s during Roger Moore's first Bond movies and even the[...]
007 Bond Binge: Thunderball: Sharks, Femme Fatales, and Lawsuits?
Ian Fleming, the author of the Bond novels, hired Kevin McClory and Jack Whittingham to collaborate on an original screenplay Fleming then adapted the screenplay into the novel Thunderball, publishing it without any attribution to Whittingham and McClory, who then sued After settling out of court, the novel Thunderball was attributed to being based on[...]
New "No Time To Die" TV Spot
Except that if you read Ian Fleming's original novels, you'll discover that Bond is actually a horrible, horrible man. Daniel Craig as James Bond, MGM James Bond is a Scumbag The Bond of the movies is a debonair man of action and seducer of women mostly from his depiction by Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan[...]
Your Best "James Bond"? I'll Take Ursula Andress, Thank You. (OPINION)
I want to talk about who played him best in what we've already seen. It's been over 60 years since Ian Fleming created James Bond, and there have been plenty of famous faces attached to play the suave secret agent since his cinematic debut Sean Connery was the first face of Bond, sauntering his way into[...]
James Bond: Casino Royale – An Essay by Van Jensen
It is based on the very first James Bond novel written by Ian Fleming, long before Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig Before the ejector seats and exploding pens, there was a secret agent and a mission. Dynamite has sent us an essay, written by Jensen where he addresses[...]
Forever And A Day: Anthony Horowitz Writing James Bond Prequel Novel
It looks like the next new Bond, James Bond story we'll be getting won't be on film, but rather a good old fashioned novel.  Author Anthony Horowitz is apparently working on a prequel novel to the first Ian Fleming Bond story, "Casino Royale". Horowitz's story titled "Forever And A Day" is authorised by the Fleming Estate (the Guardian[...]
James Bond
The editor Nate Cosby and I volleyed ideas back and forth, and after some input from the fine folks at Ian Fleming Publications LTD, what started as sort of an inconsequential bit led me to a better solution for how to arm 007 while on his unofficial mission in Paris. The idea to switch over to[...]
James Bond comic
They've tapped some of the top writers in comics to tell new tales of Ian Fleming's super-spy, including Warren Ellis, Andy Diggle, Benjamin Percy, Kieron Gillen, and James Robinson Now the publisher is offering up 37 of their OO7 titles digitally as part of a new Humble Bundle You pay what you can, and a[...]
Exclusive First Look At Dynamite Literary Titles Shipping In October 2017
Martin, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ian Fleming, Jim Butcher and Pierce Brown. GEORGE R.R MARTIN'S A CLASH OF KINGS #5 Cover A: Mike Miller | Cover B Subscription: Mel Rubi | Writer: George R R Martin, Landry Q Walker | Art: Mel Rubi In his new role as the King's Hand, Tyrion decides a man's fate over wine, and[...]
English Artist Takes To Twitter To Draw Writers
The account was started this month, only has 25 followers as of this writing and features six images including Ian Fleming, Alan Moore, and J R R Tolkein The artist doesn't identify themselves, but they are asking for names of writers to draw The page says they are from Bolton, England, but you could guess that[...]
New James Bond Comic Feels Like An Ian Fleming Novel
When Craig took on the role there was a lot of talk about how he was more violent and thuggish than the previous actors and fit the character created in the Ian Fleming novels better Having gone back and read a few including the original, Casino Royale, there is some truth in that. With in the[...]
Dave Sim Could Create And Publish James Bond Comics If He Wanted
And only covers work based on the Ian Fleming version of James Bond, rather than the film versions No Sean Connery Bond for you, not even in Canada And Blofeld may not have a white cat… So, yes, Dave Sim could if he wanted, publish James Bond comic books It's just that most of us wouldn't[...]
Jack Ryan: Shadow Dullard – Look! It Moves! By Adi Tantimedh
Contrast all this to the granddaddy of the spy franchises, James Bond.  The novels themselves are not only invaluable cultural artifacts of Cold War pulp, but were records of Ian Fleming's own sexual and materialistic obsessions, with kinks, sadism, social attitudes and sheer weirdness permeating the pages Even now, each new Bond movie continues to[...]