With two weeks left before the new Image/Skybound sci-fi series Oblivion Song hits shelves, Robert Kirkman took to the stage of Image Expo 2018 to not only promote the book, but also to thank those in attendance for their support and explain why working on original material is important for an artist's creative process:
Here are[...]
image expo Archives
As Spawn heads to #300 and prepares to do a Cerebus, and as Detective "Twitch" Williams heads up the upcoming Spawn movie, so Sam and Twitch get a comic all to themselves again.
At Image Expo today, Annie Wu took the stage to introduce the crowd to her new series, Dead Guy Fan Club, about the fan club of a dead rock star reuniting to investigate his suspicious death (our guess: Courtney Love did it) Image released the details in a press release:
Annie Wu introduced fans to the[...]
At Image Expo today, Matthew Rosenberg and Tyler Boss, the creative team behind the long-running mini-series 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank, took the stage to announce What's The Furthest Place From Here? But before that, Rosenberg took to Twitter to spoil the entire announcement!
What's the furthest place from here?
— Matthew Rosenberg (@AshcanPress) February 21,[...]
At Image Expo today, Jody LeHeup and Nathan Fox announced The Weatherman, a "widescreen, sci-fi epic" with colorist Dave Stewart In the story, which is set to span three years, a mass terrorist attack on Earth has left human colonists on Mars living in fear The main character, a weather man on Mars, is accused of[...]
Tee Franklin took the stage at Image Expo today with artist Maria Nguyen to talk about Jook Joint, an upcoming five-issue Image Comics mini-series.
"It touches on topics that are really not discussed in comics," Franklin explained about the book, calling it a trigger warning "Domestic violence Abuse Rapists Sexual assaulters Child molesters This is what[...]
At Image Expo today, Todd McFarlane announced several new projects, but one that stood out was Misery The teenage character comes from the Spawn comics, and McFarlane says that now is the perfect time for the character because of the #MeToo movement calling out sexual harassment Her powers give her the ability to weaponize emotional pain.
Image Comics is hosting their annual Image Expo in Portland right now, and there have been some pretty big announcements.
You can watch along with us over on the official Twitch stream Image founder Todd McFarlane is speaking now, followed by The Walking Dead creator and another Image founder, Robert Kirkman:
Watch live video from imagecomics on www.twitch.tv
Bleeding Cool contributor Ian Melton is at this year's Image Expo, keeping on top of their latest announcements, and he's just sent in some of their exclusive covers Keep an eye out for more news and updates throughout the day.
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Over the years, Image Expo has showcased plenty of their now-familiar comic book titles for the first time But some, it seems, never made it from announcement to publication.
Here's a look at what once was — and still could be Projects get delayed and moved around all the time This is just an attempt to[...]
Walker (Danger Club), Justin Greenwood (The Fuse), and Sam Humphries (Citizen Jack) will be appearing on stage at Image Expo in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday, February 21st to announce new projects.
They will be joining Todd McFarlane, Gerry Duggan, John McCrea, Chris Sebela, Jody LeHeup, Brian Haberlin, Farel Dalrymple, Rob Guillory, Robert Kirkman, Rick Remender, Tee Franklin, and Nick Pitarra doing the same.
At the show, Image Comics[...]
Image has announced the date of its next Image Expo, a semi-annual event where fans gather to hear Eric Stephenson go on a rant about the comic book industry For the first time ever, the Image Expo will be held in Portland, on Wednesday, February 21st, from 10 a.m to 5 p.m at the Leftbank[...]
It's all kicking off! Image Expo is on! And these photos come directly from Bleeding Cool reporter George Tramountanas who tells us,
Fans are presently filling in and taking seats for the Image Expo keynote Jim Demonakos (who sold the ECCC to ReedPop) is at the door welcoming press and professionals.
The theme is Comics In Your Image,[...]
Peter Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Bryan Lee O'Malley and Leslie Hung are here to talk about Snot Girl.
Bryan is writing it Leslie is drawing it Featuring a girl with green hair with terrible allergies – well, both the creators have bad allergies She's a fashion blogger, but introverted, her[...]
Peter Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Brian K Vaughan is on stage He asks "did everyone buy We Stand On Guard?" and that artist Steve Skroce is blushing from the attention He also pointed out that Saga #30 next week.
He talked about Panel Syndicate, his digital publishing company, where you pay what you want for[...]
Peter Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Gail Simone and Cat Staggs take the stage Gail begins, "So, guess what, I'm doing an image book With Cat Staggs Crosswind."
We see a woman in a cocktail dress smoking with a gun, while in a messed up bathroom stall.
Gail has been wanting to[...]
Peter Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Jason Aaron hits the stage "I used to do Scalped R.M Guera was the artist and co-creator If you ever wondered if the Scalped team did the Bible"…
Theie new book is The Goddamned with Giuila Brusco on colours He has changed his mind, it[...]
Peter S Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Here come the big guns Nicola Scott and Greg Rucka.
Greg Rucka says how interesting it is to be here because because six years ago, at WonderCon he announced he was leaving DC, thinking he was leaving comics And then he got sucked into Image[...]
Peter S Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Kaare Kyle Andrews is on stage And Kaare rhymes with Ferrari and Calamari, by the way.
After finishing Iron Fist, 12 issues of the entire book being done by one man Kaare talked about how his Marvel editor took him out to dinner in a "hole[...]
Peter S Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Prince of Cats GN creator Ronald Wimberly has a new series, Sunset Park.
It's a series of books about different perspectives, gothic horror in Brooklyn A monster comes across the East River into Brooklyn and changes people's neighborhoods Andy Worhal may be in it.
After this,[...]
Peter S Svensson writes his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Chynna Clugston-Flores is moving two books to Image Blue Monday and Scooter Girl
Blue Monday has a major music presence, it's universal A comedy that takes place in Nor Cal in the 1990s, with a bunch of weird kids trying to find their place[...]
Peter S Svensson writes from Image Expo and shares his notes…
Midnighter's Steve Orlando is back at Image with JD Faith for their new comic, Virgil.
This book is "what if Quentin Tarantino had balls?" "What if Django had a gay couple?" Orlando calls it "queerspoiltation".
It's about an outed cop in Jamaica, where gay rights are minimal at best, fighting[...]
A new comic book series announced at Image Expo, with Si Spurrier and Ryan Kelly, Cry Havoc, about a London hipster whose world undergoes a supernatural shift, who travels to Afghanistan and then somewhere else.
The beginning, middle and end of her story, told side by side.
And with three different colourists for each era…
Whic will also[...]
Peter Svensson sends us the notes from Image Expo.
Kyle Higgin, Alec Siegel and Rod Reis bring us a very futuristic Hadrian's Wall.
They describe it as like 80s sci-fi, Blade Runner, a sort of a murder mystery on the Nostromo Isolated crew on a small ship, someone dies, so someone is sent to investigate and discovers that not only[...]
Peter S Svensson sends us the notes from Image Expo.
Brian Haberlin, legendary colorist and businessman He's excited to be back with Image, Faster Than Light, with Skip Brittenham, the folks behind Anomaly, starring the captain of the first FTL vessel.
A video with limited animation plays, showing us a universe suddenly open to wasy travel, due to the[...]
Peter S Svensson sends us his notes from Image Expo And we publish them!
Superman Earth One's Shane Davis and his wife Michelle Delecki are on stage They are creating a comics project together, with Morry Hollowell on colors.
It's about where fantasy ends and reality begins, what happens when a video game enters the real world, with no extra lives,[...]
Peter S Svensson sends notes back from Image Expo…
Caitlin Kittredge, writer of Coffin Hill and YA books has a has a new project for Image, "only my second comic ever, I'm freaking out". After 16 novels, "I knew that I had to pitch my dream project, not fantasy or horror".
So we have a real world sci-fi spy thriller[...]
Peter S Svensson keeps sending us great notes from Image Expo…
Jimmie Robinson – previously of Five Weapons and Bomb Queen has a new series in December, Expired with Richard Pace It's a supernatural crime thriller, focuses on a homeless veteran back from Afghanistan, wo runs into a ghost, haunting the area where she was killed[...]
Peter S Svensson writes notes from Image Expo…
Joe Keatinge is introduced on stage as the world's number one Tintin fan Last year he announced his then-upcoming comic Shutter, inspired by his love of adventure fiction like Tintin "Let's do that again".
Ringside, about professional wrestling An ongoing series, launching in November[...]
Peter S Svensson takes notes at Image Expo…
Steven T Seagle, one of the Man of Action team is at the show He talks about haveing written for kids and adults, but the bane of his existence are comic cons, where the families come up, who love the kids properties he's written but really can't read[...]