jamie mcshane Archives

The Passage Poster
We get a bunch of flashbacks fleshing out the backstory between Lear (Henry Ian Cusick) and Fanning (Jamie McShane), and while their motivations are clear, Lear's wife having early onset Alzheimers and that being why he wants to find not-vampires is kinda flimsy Fanning and his ego-driven pursuit of the everything cure that leads to[...]
The Passage Poster
Jonas Lear (Henry Ian Cusick) and Tim Fanning (Jamie McShane), tracking down a subject in a cave in Boliva That subject is a vampire, although we are not supposed to call them that Fanning becomes patient zero after being bitten, and is held at Project Noah in Colorado Noah is trying to harness the power[...]
The Passage Poster
It likewise brings them face-to-face with a dangerous new race of beings confined within the walls of Project Noah, including former scientist TIM FANNING (Jamie McShane, "Bosch," "Bloodline," "Sons of Anarchy") and death-row inmate SHAUNA BABCOCK (Brianne Howey, "The Exorcist") In seeking out any allies he can find, Brad also turns to his former wife,[...]