Does this tweet from artist Jason Fabok…
big #batman #Threejokers news coming soon… stay tuned
— Jason Fabok (@JasonFabok) January 13, 2020
…indicate that Three Jokers #1 by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok will be solicited by DC Comics for April? Looks like we should add it to the Frankensteined titles[...]
jason fabok Archives
And the continuity of Doomsday Clock became a lot lighter, with changes to the Legion Of Super-Heroes and the Justice Society Of America – and now, potentially, Black Adam.
But what of Geoff Johns' other project that span out of his Justice League and Rebirth book? The Three Jokers with Jason Fabok.
In Justice League, Batman learned[...]
That person is superstar artist Jason Fabok, and the controversial opinion was posted, appropriately, in response to the Let's Talk Justice League Twitter account calling for people's most controversial opinions about Batman.
He deserves a better woman than catwoman…
— Jason Fabok (@JasonFabok) May 30, 2019
Of course, this particular controversial opinion went over about as well as[...]
He also showed off a bunch of art by Jason Fabok.
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There is a lot of of throwbacks to the character designs from Killing Joke, with some nods to Keaton's Batman in his costume[...]
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool told you about the Royal Canadian Mint's $100 Superman: The Last Son of Krypton 3D coin designed by Jason Fabok Though featured in an article on the Mint's website describing the creation process and mentioned in another press release about the Mint's 3D coin technology, we were unable to find an actual[...]
If you thought those 3D lenticular comic book covers were something, wait until you get a load of the new Superman: The Last Son of Krypton coin designed by superstar artist Jason Fabok.
The coin is the latest in technological advances from the Royal Canadian Mint, whose product manager, Jamie Desrochers, is a big comic book fan[...]
We get the whereabouts of Lois Lane and Jonathan, Superman and Supergirl take on Rogul Zaar in one last showdown, and Jason Fabok makes it all look gorgeous I can't wait for this week's Superman #1.
Vagrant Queen #2 cover by Natasha Alterici
4 Vagrant Queen #2
Vagrant Queen #1 was a promising and charming delight. Vagrant Queen #2 pushes the comic further with[...]
Also, Rogol Zaar hasn't become the memorable or iconic Superman villain that he was intended to be.
Man of Steel #6 art by Jason Fabok and Alex Sinclair
Jason Fabok turns in some top-notch work for this issue Each page is given exquisite detailing, and the fight scenes look downright iconic for the character There isn't a[...]
Daniel, and Jason Fabok contribute some gorgeous artwork to the remainder of the book.
Batman #50 is a massive letdown of a comic It shoots for meaning and deep emotional resonance but trips itself up on its own perception of what the Batman should be It's a visually gorgeous book, and some of the writing is[...]
Jason Fabok and Alex Sinclair tackle the flashback scene once again, and that looks great too, even if Fabok and Hughes have vastly different styles.
Man of Steel #5 is a return to quality after the subpar #4 The fight between Clark and Rogol Zaar is great, the dialogue remains solid, and the conflict provides some[...]
I'll admit I have more tolerance for this kind of thing than other.
Ivan Reis covers the art for the majority of the book, with Jason Fabok taking the last two pages Both artists are up to their well-documented A-game in this book, as it looks quite gorgeous throughout The detailing, figures, and expression are all[...]
Swamp Thing knows that he must kill the monster, or he and the Green will die.
Swamp Thing Winter Special #1 art by Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
The follow-up story is an uncaptioned Swamp Thing story by Len Wein, Kelley Jones, and Michelle Madsen involving Solomon Grundy, Batman, and Swamp Thing's old friend, Matt Cable[...]
The art from Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson is superb too Clean, bright where it should be, dark in the right places, and feeling like event-quality artwork throughout All together, a tightly knit package that makes for a great read.
And it has a wonderful emotional moment in it, which feels like a potential real sticking[...]
The original 3Dnado was one of the most frequent causes of resets of the Has DC Done Something Stupid Today counter in history.
The regular creative teams of Batman's Tom King and Jason Fabok and The Flash's Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter will write and draw the crossover in April While the regular issues will hold the[...]
If you've been keeping up with the elements leading up to December's Justice League vs Suicide Squad #1, when you look at this cover —
— if you dare the [Spoiler] —
–you'll see that the creative team of Josh Williamson and Jason Fabok will have some explaining to do on one point in particular…
This is the official poster show art for Wondercon 2016, the comic book show in Los Angeles later this month brought to you by CCI, the folk that also put on San Diego Comic Con.
And apparently there's a movie coming out soon, which Jason Fabok's artwork might just tie into.
Oh yes, and there's a T-shirt as well…
Jason Fabok has definitely leapt up to the A-List of DC's artistic talent, and getting the Justice League book has been a perfect way to show off his balls-busting blockbuster comic book talents.
I understand that the next issue will see that put to the test, with an all-out battle between Darkseid and Anti-Monitor.
But could the highlight[...]
40 issues later, Johns and Jason Fabok kick it off With two pages portraying the Justice League as the curious and awestruck…
What's that thing they say curiosity did to the cat?And while we're at it, what's that thing they say the first casualty of war is? Oh yes.
The moral of this opening chapter? Don't[...]
It also has the cover above by Jason Fabok, originally intended for his first issue #26.
Superman/Batman #16 will be drawn by Marc Deering and Diogenes Neves and not Jae Lee Though he still does the cover.
And instead of Aaron Kuder, Action Comics #35 will also have artist Scott Kolins as well as Vincente Cifuentes, and the above new cover.
Elektra #7 will have art by Alex[...]
Last week it was announced that Jason Fabok would be joining Geoff Johns on the Justice League The artist's profile has been growing with runs on Detective Comics and Batman Eternal, now he gets to take on the all-star team.
Over on his blog, Fabok has posted some of his character studies he did to get[...]
By Tommy Zimmer
Legacy Comics of Windsor, Ontario in Canada has not changed from its original roots.
As Tony Gray, co-owner and illustrator for both Legacy and now GlassMonkey Studios, said, they started receiving promotional and educational opportunities for pieces for different companies and the local college that produced current Detective Comics artist Jason Fabok.
They were licensing[...]
By Jason Fabok, tweeted out by Scott Snyder…
Ok! Some seriously easter-egg heavy (turkey day) BATMAN ETERNAL art by @JasonFabok! Lots of clues in this one!
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) November 19, 2013
Okay, there was the Batman Inc Special But apparently that didn't count.
She's in the purple hood, folks[...]
USA Today has the word:
"It's a place for me to be able to work with good friends in terms of shaping Gotham in a bigger, grander and more game-changing way than ever before," says Snyder, who's working on the Eternalproject with artist Jason Fabok (Detective Comics) and a revolving crew of Bat-writers including James Tynion IV[...]