Last week, movie pitchman, carnival barker, and sometime comic book creator Mark Millar teased some big news about Kick-Ass and Hit Girl to be unveiled
john romita jr Archives
Artists include the renowned John Romita Jr and Jerry Ordway as well as Michael Ryan and Jose Ladronn.
Thor Vol 2 #22 cover by John Romita Jr and Klaus Jansen
While it features stories not including Thanos, namely a tale of deviant gods led by Brona which also features the Scarlet Witch as well as the Annual[...]
Do you know where your DC Superstars are? They're at the DC Master Class panel at New York Comic Con at the Javits Center, of course!
Hosted by Dan DiDio to an incredibly packed room that had ran out of seats but still had people wanting to come in, the panel consisted of Greg Capullo, Jim[...]
That would be World War Hulk, where Greg Pak and John Romita Jr blow up the planet Hulk is on, kills his love, and makes Hulk believe that it was part of the plan to destroy him by the Illuminati — Black Bolt, Iron Man, Mr Fantastic and Doctor Strange.
Hulk and his Warbound head back[...]
Today's TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) takes a look at the six-part Black Panther series, Who Is The Black Panther, from Reginald Hudlin and John Romita Jr form 2005 The idea was to present a more modern take on T'Challa, and as the official synopsis says: "sure to excite both True Believers and the hip-hop[...]
At the DC Master Class panel at San Diego Comic Con, surprise guest Frank Miller announced that he's working on a Superman origin story for DC Comics with artist John Romita Jr Miller said the project is something he's wanted to do for so long "it's embarrassing," and called it "the opportunity of a lifetime."
On Twitter, DC confirmed[...]
He runs across the likes of Wonder Woman and Talia al Ghul in these sections, which are done up by John Romita Jr.
Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Batman associate Duke Thomas are still in Batman's cave, shocked by the presence of the Joker and attempting to parcel out how and why he is there[...]
Review for Dark Days: The Casting, the second prelude comic for DC event, Metal. By Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Jim Lee, Andy Kubert and many more.
DC has revealed that a gorgeous and highly collectible Very Sassy Batman Statue from Batman: Black & White by John Romita Jr will be released in January, 2018, via a press release today Though the statue measures in at just 7.69 inches tall, when it comes to attitude, it towers above all others Based on JRJr's[...]
So does Batman trust this murderous psychopath with this information? Did the Joker get in on his own, or did Bruce let him in?
The problem is, I don't care to get the answers of these questions because it's so obviously a shock-stinger that could not possibly have a satisfying answer.
This book has a very talented[...]
The problem I'd say lies in that there's little rhyme or reason in how the artists have seen their duties split up.
The work from Andy Kubert, Jim Lee, John Romita Jr., Danny Miki, Klaus Janson and Scott Williams is all top notch, but instead of one art team tackling specific scenes, they seem to jump[...]
That means instead of one long Improbable Previews, lucky readers, today you get three short ones!
First up, there's a page from Dark Days: The Forge #1 by the creative team of Jim Lee and Scott Williams:
And one from the creative team of John Romita Jr and Jonathan Glapion:
And finally, one by Andy Kubert:
Dark Days: The Forge #1 is[...]
Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and the rest of the Justice League think they've been to every corner of the Multiverse—but a looming threat is coming from a place they never knew existed. Welcome to a crazy, melt-your-face, hard-rock space adventure like you've never seen before.
Welcome to the Dark Multiverse.
Though listed on the DC website as written by Scott[...]
But CBR's report was missing some crucial details, it seems, when it comes to an account of artist John Romita Jr.'s statements, which were partially paraphrased by CBR:
Romita backed this claim up, noting that the new hero Silencer he's creating with writer Dan Abnett is a female assassin, but that "I don't think of it[...]
On the latest episode of AMC's series Comic Book Men, fan-favorite artist John Romita Jr went into the shop and drew an original piece featuring the characters he is best known for… Spider-Man, Daredevil and Superman In the piece, Spider-Man is wearing the logo of the comic shop which features the images of Jay (Jason[...]
Instead it's with artist John Romita Jr who worked with Frank Miller on Man Without Fear. But has Miller finishing John's breakdowns Which looks like this…
I hope that's a tail…
With the next chapter of DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE, readers will learn more about the plans of the newly-freed Kandorians in the main story, but[...]
We told you that John Romita Jr would be off Superman.
We told you it would be with Frank Miller, a Man Without Fear style prequel Batman book that would tie in with Dark Knight.
And now at the Batman panel, it's been announced as a 48 page one-shot prequel to The Dark Knight Returns, written by Frank Miller[...]
Daredevil: Man Without Fear by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr is a wonderful Daredevil comic book, and a large chunk of it was grabbed by the recent Netflix Daredevil series.
Well, it seems the pair are reuniting for a Dark Knight III spinoff book, title as yet unknown, with Dark Knight inker Klaus Janson.
But it may attempt to[...]
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran an account of a panel at the Houston Awesome Comic Con, in which Mark Bagley and John Romita Jr talked about the lives and work And how, twenty minutes in, it seemed to take a turn for the worse.
Thankfully "90's comic book nerd" filmed the whole thing Feel free to watch[...]
He is the new ongoing artist for Superman, for now at least.
But what of John Romita Jr? I understand, despite some scurrilous rumour mongers, that he has not quit the title, rather he was offered a new project by DC Comics, something so enticing that he couldn't help but grab it with both hands.
I wonder[...]
John Romita Jr told Newsarama about his approach to drawing Superman.
The very first promotional sketch I ever did was so bad I had changed the face a little bit — it wasn't good enough — and interestingly enough, that first poor image got onto the internet.
Yeah, uh, sorry about that John.
And it didn't go down well.
Spencer Beck, president of The Artists' Choice has been an original art sales representative for 30 years with clients including Steve McNiven, George Perez, Mark Bagley, John Romita Jr, David Finch and Andy & Adam Kubert So Beck knows a thing or two about original comic art.
His company has gotten a new task They've been selected[...]
DC's Gold Book offering for Free Comic Book Day will be Divergence, playing off the title of Convergence.
Previewing the launch of the Darkseid War, hence the cover, with Justice League by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, the new Batman arc by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo and the already-mentioned Superman by Gene Luen Yang and John Romita[...]
It's the end of the New 52. But it is not a reboot. It's been a while since DC Comics actually published 52 monthly titles, every month. But as part of
We all know Superman's standard powers. Super strength, speed, hearing, vision , flight and heat vision. Some have been defined further, he'll originally
A farm designed by John Romita Jr.
Look, he's got built in fingerless gloves A few less creases, a cutaway point on his boots and a rounder and yellow belt sigil.
No red underwear still though.
This is how Superman currently looks in the New 52.
We were told that Superman #38 will bring us a "new costume, new powers[...]
Woodward, Neal Adams, Mark Brooks, Gary Erskine, Gary Frank, David Gibbons, Stephanie Hans, Bob Layton, David Lloyd, Clay Mann, Taki Soma, Elias Chatzoudis, Bill Doran, Mark Farmer, Lee Garbett, Klaus Janson, Paul Levitz, Mike Norton, Tim Seeley, Bill Sienkiewicz, John Watson, Chrissie Zullo, Charlie Adlard, Mahmud Asrar, Lee Bermejo, Ian Churchill, Yaya Han, Jeremy Haun, Emanuela Lupacchino, Michael Avon Oeming, Mike Ploog, John Romita Jr and Jamie Tyndall.
I'll be there, definitely all day Saturday[...]
Superman #37 by Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr is published today Johns is the fellow who, in last week's Justice League #37, gave us a very common sense answer to Superman's supposed dilemma with Zod in the Man Of Steel movie I rather liked it.
But all that common-sense seems to elude him today We[...]
And artists such as John Romita Jr, Dave Gibbons and Klaus Janson have also been named as involved – Romita worked with Frank on Man Without Fear, Gibbons with Frank on the criminally underrated Give Me Liberty and Janson of course inked Miller on the original Dark Knight There definitely seems to be the aim[...]
Kevin Conroy, the longtime voice of Batman from the highly-acclaimed 1990s animated series, drew large crowds to the autograph table.
Fan-favorite artists John Romita Jr., Rob Liefeld, and J Scott Campbell were also in L.A to sign for fans.
Game of Thrones stars made a special showing at Comikaze And there was even an appearance from the[...]