Josh Cruddas Archives

EXCLUSIVE: Two Tracks From John McCarthy's Anything For Jackson Score
Starring Sheila McCarthy, Julian Richings, Konstantina Mantelos, Josh Cruddas, and Yannick Bisson, the film centers around the grief of a set of grandparents who decide to hold a reverse-exorcism and place their dead grandson into the body of an unborn child It looks really gnarly, and a new clip from the film was posted this afternoon ahead of[...]
EXCLUSIVE: Two Tracks From John McCarthy's Anything For Jackson Score
Starring Sheila McCarthy, Julian Richings, Konstantina Mantelos, Josh Cruddas, and Yannick Bisson, the film centers around the grief of a set of grandparents who decide to hold a reverse-exorcism and place their dead grandson into the body of an unborn child It looks really gnarly, and as with any good horror, the score will set[...]