KarmaZoo Archives

Devolver Digital Announces KarmaZoo To Be Released This Summer
Pastagames and Devolver Digital have released some awesome new content for KarmaZoo today, as you can celebrate Valentine's Day within the game Running until the end of the month, you'll see love everywhere as they have given the game a pink upgrade and added some flavor to the levels to make everything feel a bit[...]
Devolver Digital Announces KarmaZoo To Be Released This Summer
Developer Pastagames and publisher Devolver Digital released a new video for KarmaZoo, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the game This is a fun video shot in Paris with the development team, as they have a little tongue-in-cheek talk about making the game while also showing off how they made some of the mechanics levels[...]
Devolver Digital Announces KarmaZoo To Be Released This Summer
Developer Pastagames and publisher Devolver Digital have confirmed the release date for KarmaZoo, as it will float onto PC and consoles next month Originally, the game was setup to be released sometime over the Summer, but plans changed, and the devs needed some extra time to work on the game Now we know the game[...]
Devolver Digital Announces KarmaZoo To Be Released This Summer
Devolver Digital has revealed new details, along with a brand new trailer, for their upcoming multiplayer platformer KarmaZoo Created by developer Pastagames, this is an adorable and creative online experience, as you will join up to 10 players talking on the roles of multiple animals in an attempt to complete a loop You'll do this[...]