That man has surprisingly strong wrists for someone who spends so much time waving at military parades! But enough about my dictatorial recreation — I have glorious news from the world of sports entertainment! The magnificent specimen of American capitalism known as Lex Luger will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of[...]
lex luger Archives
Six matches on the show lasted less than 5 minutes, and somehow the longest of those was a Lex Luger match He beat Meng, kind of Luger has never been one of my favorites, but even I can admit that the Torture Rack is freaking awesome Harlem Heat beat the Amazing French Canadians pretty quickly,[...]
21- Royal Rumble 2016 (Winner: Triple H)
20- Royal Rumble 1994 (Winners: Bret Hart and Lex Luger)
19- Royal Rumble 2002 (Winner: Triple H)
18- Royal Rumble 2000 (Winner: The Rock)
Starting to get to some well-booked matches here Well, almost The 2016 Rumble was more fun than anyone thought it would be and saw the debut of AJ[...]